Sunday, October 27, 2019
A Teachers View On Teaching Kindergarten English Language Essay
A Teachers View On Teaching Kindergarten English Language Essay Kindergarten teachers establish the foundation of all education. These extraordinary educators help their students learn the alphabet, how to count, and how to write; all the qualities needed to be successful in school. In addition to academics, kindergarten teachers are instrumental in setting standards for good behavior in school. Without their guidance the children would not have the proper foundations for their future learning. Kindergarten classrooms and teachers are very important to little children who are just beginning their formal learning process at a new school. Kindergarten teachers are the most important in a childs education. Kindergarten is the second stage in school following pre-kindergarten. In pre-kindergarten you learn how to get along with and play with other students. Kindergarten is the establishment of young childrens existence in the educational system. What does the word kindergarten stand for? It means a school or class for children usually from four to six year olds à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ that serve as an introduction to school. (Merriam-Webster) Some teachers said it is not an easy job teaching kindergarten students. Two teachers interviewed say teaching kindergarten is a difficult job. Mrs. Van Dyke stated, Yes, yes, yes!! I really enjoy teaching them, but every day presents its own trials. It also has many rewards, (Mrs. Van Dyke). Mrs. Byrd stated, The good thing about kindergarten is the children are enthusiastic to learn and strive to please their teachers. I like being able to be the one that teaches the establishment of letters, phonics, numbers, and reading comprehension, (Mrs. Byrd). Mrs. Van Dyke and Mrs. Byrd where asked what inspired them to become a teacher? Mrs. Van Dyke said, I have always loved children. I began working as a dance teacher and enjoyed it so much I decided to go into it as a career, (Mrs. Van Dyke). Mrs. Byrd stated, I started working in the school system so that I could spend more time with my two sons. I worked three years in second grade. My Assistant principle moved me to kindergarten becau se she said my gift was really with the little ones, (Mrs. Byrd). Without the teachers the kindergarten class would not happen. The teachers will help the students to get all of the foundation needed to go on to the first grade. In essence, kindergarten teachers are very important to a little childs educational career. In an interview, Mrs. Van Dyke and Mrs. Byrd were asked how long it took them to complete their degrees to become a teacher and teacher assistant. What degree(s) did they get from college, and what college(s) did they attend? Mrs. Van Dyke stated, It took me four years. I took classes during the summer and graduated in four years. I attended Harding University and Slippery Rock College, receiving a degree in early childhood education, (Mrs. Van Dyke). Mrs. Byrd said, I have an associates degree in computer science from Gaston College. I worked full time in a textile mill so it took me between three to four years to complete it, (Mrs. Byrd). A classroom is a place for learning experiences. Most kindergarten classrooms have a kitchen play house set. Also the classroom contains water paint, a computer, a sand table, blocks, puzzles, and a writing center. These activities allow students to interact with each other students in the class. In a kindergarten classroom you have cubbies to store students supplies (book bag, clothes and other stuff). Also you will find a smiley chart which is used to display students behavior for the day. It is called a behavior chart; this chart is a scale showing a range of behaviors from high spirits to low or disappointing behavior from a teachers point of view. Lesson plans are a teaching tool to show how a teacher gets ready for his or her class every day. Lesson plans show what teachers do to help each and every student. Carpet time in kindergarten classes is a learning period. During carpet time the kindergarten students learn the days of the week. That is very important for little children to know the days of the week. Also during carpet time the children sing the good morning song. Here are the words to the song; Good morning to you! Good morning to you! Were all in our places with bright shining faces. Oh, this is the way to start a great day! Good morning to you! Good morning to you! Were all in our places with food on our faces. Oh, this is the way to have a great day! Good evening to you! Stars and the moon in their places they go through their paces. Oh, this is the way to end a good day! (Variety of Kindergarten Choices Increases). Also while the children are at the carpet the sing songs and move around the carpet or rug in the r oom. It is very significant that the children know the days of the week, how to count, and read previous to first grade. Every now and then when the students are misbehaving they do not get to go outside and play with other children. That is called a time out. Some children do not like that at all. Also when some of the students misbehave they have to pull a clip. That is one way to tell when a student is being terrible. All of the children love to be interactive. [The little students will be devoted to this lesson because they are interactive in on the increase their class tree and then take an interactive piece in putting their letter on the tree when it is their turn to put their letter on the tree.] That is very full of life measurement in that days lesson plans. All most all of the kindergarteners are not able to sit in their sits all day long, they need to get up and be in motion around sometimes. If you have something in your lesson this is a good song to use. This is how the song goes like this. [Inside, outside up and down long and short smile and frown hot and cold fast and slow how many opposites do you know Were alert when its morning and sleep when it is night. We keep close to home will not go far out of sight. The children try to be good and not to be bad. Were a good quantity are often in high spirits, but sometime our toys are profound but some are light too. Our toy box is sometimes unfilled when were having an enjoyable time playing with toys. But its full again when we shipshape up at the end of every day.] That is one way to get their small bodies moving, and the kindergarteners will not be so wiggly when youre ready to be knowledgeable. In kindergarten the students may also have some home work to do. The students may have home work is really not difficult. At the start of the school year, the teachers will help the students learn how to say and write their alphabet. Some say that is too much on a little kindergartener. But it is really not. Students have to know the alphabet so when they get to first grade. They are the building blocks needed throughput their educational career. In addition to songs, nursery rhymes are another way to get the students active. Here are two examples of nursery rhymes, twinkle, and twinkle, and little star, and Hickory, dickory, dock. Hickory, dickory, docks; the mouse ram up the clock. The clock struck one, and the mouse ran down the clock, Hickory, dickory, dock (Mrs. Byrd). Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! When the blazing sun is gone, when nothing shines upon, than you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! Then the traveler in the dark thanks you for your tiny sparks; he could not see which way to go, it you did not twinkle so. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! In the dark blue sky you keep, and often through my curtains peep, for you never shut your eye till the sun is in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! As youre bright and tiny spark lights the traveler in the dark, through I know not what you are, twinkle, twinkle, and little star. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! (Mrs. Van Dyke). Those are really good nursery rhymes, and the children will love to say them and read them all the time. The alphabet comforter is a good thing to use because it refreshes their memory allowing them to remember their sounds and how to pronounce them; some teachers say this lesson is great for little ones. To help the students count, the teachers can use some number word rhymes to help them remember how to count. The teachers also can help them to remember their colors by doing color rhymes or songs that tells them how to spell the colors of the rainbow. Here is one of the color rhymes for the color black. B-l-a-c-k spells b-l-a-c-k. B-l-a-c-k spells b-l-a-c-k. Scary cats are b-l-a-c-k. Flying bats are b-l-a-c-k. Santas boots are b-l-a-c-k. I like b-l-a-c-k. B-l-a-c-k spells b-l-a-c-k. B-l-a-c-k spells b-l-a-c-k. Sunday shoes are b-l-a-c-k. Jelly beans are b-l-a-c-k. B-l-a-c-k spells b-l-a-c-k (Mrs. Van Dyke). B-r-o-w-n, b-r-o-w-n thats how you spell b-r-o-w-n, b-r-o-w-n. Big trees outside are b-r-o-w-n. B-r-o-w-n Hersheys- kisses are b-r-o-w-n. (Mrs. Byrd and Mrs. Van Dyke). Another method of learning is where the teacher begins by trying to activate prior comprehension is. The teachers questions will help them to understand what they will be learning. The teacher will encourage students to start developing skills in listening to others, sharing thoughts or a dream, thinking about what they know, thinking about what they would like to know, and following directions. The teachers will also assist students in developing a positive reception for other ideas. A positive reception for the topic they will be studying. A feeling of accomplishment. Core curriculum content standards; all students will get your hands on historical understanding of societal thoughts and forces throughout the history of New Jersey, the United States, and world. Introduction; review; the teacher will ask the students what they are on familiar terms with about communication. Enthusiasm the teacher will have books, fiction and nonfiction, displayed on the topic. Predicament what so we already know about communication and what do we want to know? Development; the teacher will tell the class that they will be studying about communication. Ask the class what they think communication is. The teacher will ask the class what types of things they would like to be familiar terms with about communication. The teacher will go over the responses he or she has written on the paper and put it into simple words. The teacher will explain the different things they will be learning with reference to ways communication happen, inventions, a nimal communication by Aliki, graphic representation document. (Mrs. Van Dyke). All classrooms and teachers can be very different than others in the same school. Also all most all of the teachers have a different way they teach their class. Some students may or may not like the way the teacher teaches, that is very okay. This is why kindergarten teachers and classroom in a childs educational career. Life as a kindergarten teacher can be very hard in a way. The teachers have a very big job on their hands because teaching kindergarten is hard knowing what that child goes through at home. Some parents just do not care about their childs school work. So with that being said it is very hard sometimes to be a teacher. The teachers will never know how a child is treated at home unless they tell you. So kindergarten teachers are so very important in a childs educational career. It is exceptionally okay that a child goes to pre kindergarten taking place before he or she goes off into kindergarten to establish on his or her educational career. The teachers will be the only way a child will get through school. That is why kindergarten teachers and classrooms are so important in a childs educational career. Byrd, Lisa. Personal interview. 20 march 2009. Kindergarten. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2010. Merriam-Webster Online. 5 January 2010 Vandyke, Suzanne. Personal interview. 11 Mar 2009. Variety of Kindergarten Choices Increases. 24 Jan 2009:
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