Tuesday, December 24, 2019
How an organization is structured is becoming more and more important in today’s business world. The structure of the organization is one of the important factors that determine employees’ efficiency in performing their tasks. This paper will concentrate on how organizational structure affects the efficiency of work done by employees’. Six key elements of an organizational structure will be followed by three common organizational structures. Efficiency of employees will be brought about relating to the above mentioned. â€Å"An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated†(Robbins, Judge and Campbell, 2010, p.429). Efficiency means, â€Å"When someone or something uses time and energy well,†¦show more content†¦The second key element departmentalisation is congregating employees doing similar tasks. It takes place depending on; the functions performed, products produced, geographic areas the organisation deals with, processes done in organisations and type of customers the organization concentrates on. Departmentalisation by functions performed depends on the organisation’s activities. For instance, if we look at MIFCO (Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company), they will have a department for production, accounting, sales and marketing. Procter Gamble is departmentalised by the products produced. â€Å"Each major product – such as Tide, Pampers, Charmin and Pringles – is placed under the authority of an executive who has complete global responsibility for that product†(Robbins, Judge and Campbell, 2010, p.431). This increases the efficiency of employees as well as managers because, everything related to certain products are handled by that particular department responsible for it. Organisations doing international selling activities use departmentalisation by geography. For instance, sales department may be sub divided based on the countries the organisations have business transactions with. Due to this, employees in sales department presents efficiency in doing their work since, they are only responsible to deal with one particular country (geographic are). Process departmentalisation takes place in two forms; processing customers
Monday, December 16, 2019
Unanswered Concerns on Good Essay Topics for the Crucible
Unanswered Concerns on Good Essay Topics for the Crucible A Secret Weapon for Good Essay Topics for the Crucible If you've always experienced difficulties with such an assignment or couldn't find relevant data to supply solid arguments, our experts are at your services. They're experts in various academic disciplines and skilled writers at the identical moment. Use the assistance of true academic experts and receive the service you have earned! Tell our experts what sort of homework help on the internet you want to get. Good rating and very good reviews should tell you whatever you will need to understand about this excellent writing service. If it's the first time you're likely to use our article writing service, you most likely have a lot of questions. The majority of the times, you will have the option of picking the topics that you've discussed in your class. In fact, the majority of us will never come face to face with this decision. Actually, a seasoned writer can do the job much faster than any student as they've been writing academic assignments during their entire life. You are unable to command Mr. Parris. It takes an extremely intriguing spin on the true Salem Witch trials that happened in Massachusetts Bay Colony during the calendar year 1692. That said the Crucible is an extremely intriguing play. Vocabulary study guide has a peek at the crucible. It isn't enough to read a brief edition, if you wish to read a very good evaluative essay. So in case you have an essay assigned that you require help with, you can purchase essay online cheap from us. The essay isn't the simplest task to master. Who knew essay writing might be so tough. Whether you must make a paper of one-of-a-kind flawlessness, just get an essay here and our writers will provide help. Our writers provide the very best writing services and can help you compose a productive essay. To begin writing an excellent rhetorical analysis essay, the first thing springs to mind is the rhetorical analysis essay topic ideas. The last step you ought to take is to compose the conclusion paragraph for the Crucible essay. We will help you with any sort of essay you've got and compose a fantastic paper which will bring you a high grade. It is a great concept to locate a five-paragraph essay template to find a general comprehension of a winning paper structure. As soon as you inform us about all of the paper information, we'll begin searching for a proper writer for your paper. Completely free Arthur Miller Crucible essay samples are offered on FreeEssayHelp with no payment or registration. Somebody works part-time and doesn't have sufficient time to do all of the assignments. Therefore do not lose out on this good prospect. Write about the kind of government in Salem. Hence, it's not important in any respect. The characters would like to be viewed as good by the full village. Several characters base their actions on the urge to safeguard their respective reputations. A History of Good Essay Topic s for the Crucible Refuted Don't neglect this rule, otherwise the reader would think that you're not fully conscious of the topic you're writing about. To begin writing your assignment you would want to encounter an interesting and promising topic. Quite frequently the situation is erroneous, and only analogies are normally risky. Read the rules and strategies for writing. Make certain you have from three to five strong arguments to back up your thesis. If you discover that the writer did not provide just what you expected, request a revision, and we'll make the corrections. Together with the topics, you'd come across loads of papers at no cost. You must be proficient in the topic, have an overall idea about the chosen issue and figure out how to get the best arguments to show your thesis. As an example, The Crucible actually meant to be a satire of the anti-Soviet feeling that ran rampant throughout the nation. It is simple to see why a catastrophe like the Salem witch trials occurred. The town is religiously and morally based so you're either classified below a believer or a person who believes in evil. The other girls all join in so the blame won't be placed on them. There's chaos in the town after the folks there learn that there may be witches that inhabited the village. There were four ministers between the time frame of when the meeting house was constructed and the conclusion of the witch trials.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Worldview and Privilege
Question: Write an Essay about theWorldview and Privilege. Answer: Introduction The indigenous Australia was quite different from todays Australia. The country always possessed an amalgamation of different cultures and people. Prior to colonization in 1788, Australia had a population of 750000 people, but today only 2% among them are Indigenous Australians (Tomyn, Norrish and Cummins 2013).The essay discusses about the sustainable and harmonious nature of Aboriginal people before colonization, the ways different perspectives of land use to the settlers and Aboriginals led to the conflict and the racial superiority of the settlers to the indigenous people in context to the film The Secret River (youtube.com 2016). Prior to colonization, the Aboriginal people shared a harmonious and sustainable relationship with the land. The indigenous people used to respect the nature. They believed in sustainable environment. They used to ensure that the animals were not over hunted for the purpose of food and took care of the plants such that over cutting and collecting were not done. This ensured that the sustainability and harmony of the nature and land was maintained well. They never believed in over exploitation of the environment and never wasted food, hence they used to hunt and collect as much food as required to feed their people. This attitude clearly indicated that they believed in sustainable environment, where over exploitation was not practised rather they ensured that the food was always available for other people whenever they needed. The men used to hunt larger animals like turtles, kangaroos or emus. The women and children used to hunt smaller ones and collected fruits, berries and other su ch edibles. The coastal people used to catch fish and collected selfish, oysters and mussels. The indigenous people stayed at a particular area due to variations in seasonal vegetations. They never hunted animals in large numbers from a particular area to ensure that the food sources were available for the next time. They used to make baskets, tools, weapons and clothes with the various parts of animals and plants that were non-edible (MacDonald and Steenbeek 2015). There were fundamental differences in the attitudes of settlers and Aboriginal people towards land use and ownership. This led to violent conflicts between them. The meaning and significance of land were quite different for Aboriginals and settlers. The indigenous people were strongly connected to their land in terms of physical, social and cultural aspects. The management and care of land were a vital part of their life. The land was an important and indispensable part of their heritage, culture and dominion. They considered that the wellbeing of land and water surrounding them were the central parts of their culture. They believed that land was their mother and had a great influence on their culture. They felt a sense of responsibility for the maintenance and care of their very own land (Markwick et al. 2015). The settlers had a different interpretation of land use and their attitude towards land was a way different from the indigenous aboriginals. According to the settlers, the la nd was a commodity that they owned, something that could be purchased and sold. The land was thought to be a profit making asset by the settlers. They also considered that land was something that could help them build their houses where they could live easily. The British people thought that the land was intended for farming, agriculture and development. In the western society, owning a land, house, boat or other such materialistic entities were a symbol of social status. It meant possession, dominance, power and prosperity (Smith 2012). There were three rules that were laid in 1700 century by which Britain could legally own and possess another country (McLaughlin and Whatman 2015). However, none of the rules were followed by Britain. Terra nullius was declared which meant that land belonged to no one. Hence, the settlers justified their possession on the land which they invaded illegally despite the presence of the Aboriginals. The concept of land and its use were different to the indigenous people and the white settlers. Britain could not witness any development of the land and did not put an effort towards the Aboriginals understanding for land. Therefore, sovereign ownership of Australia was declared by Britain d (Markwick et al. 2015).This is where the tension of the film The Secret River lied and eventually this underpinned the 250 years old history of Australia. The sense of possession and ownership was prominent in Thornhills statement that Hawkesbury was his owned land and that the Aboriginals could take the rest of it whereas in reality the land was the Aboriginals own place, they took care of the river and land there as evident from Yalamunndis version in the film (youtube.com 2016). William Thornhill and other white settlers had a feeling of racial superiority over the Aboriginal people. It was evident from the film The Secret River, where Aboriginals were called by names like blacks and considered as savages who could be bought with trinkets. Aboriginalsdid not adopt the conventional British Practices of fencing or establishing their farming lands. The settlers thought Aboriginals believed in primitive culture and hence were regarded inferior to them. This is evident from the action of Thornhill when he planted corn crop on the top of the Yams cultivated by The Aboriginals. He considered the yams as a worthless form of radish or potato (www.insightpublications.com.au 2016). The white settlers feel superior to the Aboriginal people because of the Immigration Restriction Act190 (Markus 1979).It led to the universal acceptance of Australian society to be a society of whites predominantly. The white settlers had racist beliefs for the Aboriginals. They were made to work at goldfields, sugarcane plantations and deep sea diving. The feeling of superiority was also spread through the various literatures that were read by children at the schools. In 1901, when Australian Federations came into being, the Aboriginals were still not considered as citizens of Australia. They neither had the ownership of lands or houses nor had the voting rights. Hence, the whites believed that they were superior to the Aboriginals with context to the power and privilege they received. The Aboriginals had a harmonious and sustainable relationship with the environment. They had strong association with land and nature, being an important part of their culture. The colonization affected the culture and lives of the indigenous people. The white settlers considered them superior to the Aboriginals. Racial discrimination prevailed among the whites. The Aboriginals were called by names and disrespected. They were even killed mercilessly by the white settlers like Thornhill who killed the dharug people as depicted in the film. References: MacDonald, C. and Steenbeek, A., 2015. The Impact of Colonization and Western Assimilation on Health and Wellbeing of Canadian Aboriginal People.International Journal of Regional and Local History,10(1). Markus, A., 1979.Fear and hatred: purifying Australia and California, 1850-1901. Hale Iremonger. Markwick, A., Ansari, Z., Sullivan, M. and McNeil, J., 2015. Social determinants and psychological distress among Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander adults in the Australian state of Victoria: A cross-sectional population based study.Social Science Medicine,128. McLaughlin, J. and Whatman, S., 2015. Beyond social justice agendas: Indigenous knowledges in preservice teacher education and practice in Australia.International perspectives on race (and racism): Historical and contemporary considerations in education and society. Smith, A., 2012. Indigeneity, settler colonialism, white supremacy.Racial formation in the twenty-first century. Tomyn, A.J., Norrish, J.M. and Cummins, R.A., 2013. The subjective wellbeing of indigenous Australian adolescents: validating the personal wellbeing index-school children.Social Indicators Research,110(3). www.insightpublications. com.au, 2016. The Secret River an Insight text guide by Anica Boulanger-Mashberg. [online] Available at: https://insightpublications. com.au [Accessed 9 Oct. 2016] www.youtube.com, 2016. Available at: https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDepKiFIt5A [Accessed 9 Oct. 2016]
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Infrared and Ultraviolet Light Essay Example
Infrared and Ultraviolet Light Paper Name: Tutor: Course: Date: We will write a custom essay sample on Infrared and Ultraviolet Light specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Infrared and Ultraviolet Light specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Infrared and Ultraviolet Light specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Infrared and Ultraviolet Light Infrared Light Infrared light is a form of electromagnetic radiation whose wavelengths are longer compared to visible light. The electromagnetic spectrum exhibits a vast range of wavelengths spanning from highly energetic gamma rays and short wavelengths to low-energy radio waves and long wavelengths. The visibility of this spectrum is extremely small. Infrared light is similar to normal light only that it has a longer wavelength thus making it impossible to see with the naked eye (White 42). The range of infrared wavelengths corresponds to an approximate frequency range of 430 THz to 300GHz. It also includes the thermal radiation given off by objects at room temperature. Infrared light is absorbed or emitted by molecules whenever they alter their vibrational-rotational movements. William Herschel discovered infrared radiation in the year 1800. He was performing a study on the heating effect of different light colors. The different colors of light were produced by a passing normal light through a prism. In his study, Herschel noted that the strength of the heat increased as he progressed from the blue end to the red end of the spectrum. He presented his results in London and called the red light ‘Calorific rays’. The term ‘infrared’ was adopted later in the 19th century (Read 32). Primarily, infrared is divided into three distinct spectrums. These include far infrared, mid infrared and near infrared. The division of infrared light on this basis depends on the wavelength. However, these divisions are not precise since they vary depending on the publisher. These divisions are used to observe temperature ranges in environments such as space. They are justified by the different responses humans have on radiation. In this case, near infrared exhibits radiation with the closest wavelength. This makes it visible to the human eye. Far and mid infrared categories, lie further away from the visual spectrum. Unfortunately, there are no international standards for such specifications. The boundary separating infrared light from visible light is not defined clearly. The sensitivity of the human eye is not designed to detect light with a wavelength above 700nm (White 64). Therefore, light with longer wavelengths does not make significant contributions to scenarios illuminat ed by common sources of light. Since its discovery, infrared light has proven useful in a number of fields. For example, infrared is used to facilitate night vision. Night vision devices function by converting ambient light photons into visible light. Additionally, infrared light can also be used in determining the temperature of objects through a process known as thermography. Thermography is mainly applied in industrial and military applications (Read 64). However, this technology is making its way into the public through infrared cameras, due to the reduced cost of productions. Since all objects emit infrared radiation based on their temperatures, thermography is used to have a clear picture of the environment regardless of whether there is visible illumination or not. Infrared homing or infrared tracking refers to a missile guiding system that tracks a target using its electromagnetic spectrum. Missiles that use this infrared technology are coined the term ‘heat seekers’. Many objects such as vehicle engines, aircrafts and people produce and retain heat. This heat can then be tracked using infrared technology. Additionally, infrared radiation can be used as a source of heat. One advantage of this is that the technology is used to create infrared saunas used to treat chronic health illnesses such as arthritis, congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. This technology is also used to thaw ice on aircraft wings. Infrared radiation is also becoming popular in safe heating therapy for physiotherapy and natural health. Additionally, heat from infrared radiation can be used in cooking. Primarily, infrared heaters include three parts, a heat exchanger, infrared bulbs, and a fan for blowing air into the exchanger for heat dispersion. Indeed, the discovery of infrared radiation has led to significant breakthroughs that have benefited humanity. However, this form of electromagnetic radiation has several disadvantages. For example, when this radiation is used in certain settings such as high heat industrial locations, it becomes a health hazard to the user’s eyes thus causing damage or blindness. Another disadvantage is that it has short-range transmission compared to other forms of transmission. Other than having short-range transmission, the transmission of infrared radiation is slow compared to wired transmission. Furthermore, all infrared signals can be interrupted by foreign materials when they are in the path of the transmission. Such materials may include people and walls. Ultraviolet Light Ultraviolet light or UV light is a form of electromagnetic radiation with a short wavelength compared to visible light. However, its wavelength is longer than that of X-rays. Similar to infrared light, ultraviolet light cannot be detected by the human eye due to its long wavelength. Blunt (18) argues that this form of radiation bears increased energy compared to visible light. It is capable of breaking bonds between molecules and atoms and altering the chemical composition of materials. UV light can also cause fluorescence in certain substances. This means that it causes certain materials to emit visible light. UV light, present in sunlight, is beneficial since it kills microorganisms and acts as a source of vitamin D. Even though UV light is not visible, we are aware of it through certain effects such as sunburn or suntan. With the sun acting as a major source of UV light, the ozone layer plays a vital role in blocking most of this light (97%) that would otherwise prove harmful to organisms if it gained access into the atmosphere (Blunt 37). The 3% that penetrates the atmosphere is not particularly harmful, although it can cause cancer and long-term damage to the skin. Primarily, the sun is a source of all categories of UV light such as UV-A and UV-B. The discovery of this radiation is associated with the phenomenon that silver salts become dark when exposed to light. Johann Ritter in 1801 observed that invisible light, after the violet end of visible light, darkened paper soaked in silver chloride. Initially, he named these rays â€Å"oxidizing rays†to differentiate them from heat rays (infrared) discovered in the previous year and to emphasize chemical reactivity. The terms â€Å"heat rays†and â€Å"chemical rays†were used to describe these rays throughout the nineteenth century, but they were later dropped for infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation respectively (Read 32). UV light, UV-B in particular, benefits humans by allowing the manufacture of vitamin D. This is achieved by the conversion of skin chemicals into the sub-form of the vitamin, and then into the vitamin itself. This vitamin is beneficial to human health. Lack of this vitamin leads to immunity disorders, various cancers, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases (Blunt 76). Severe lack of this vitamin causes bone diseases referred to as rickets. Inadequate supply of sunlight is the prime cause of the vitamin’s deficiency. UV light is also used in the technology of fluorescent lamps that apply the fluorescence phenomenon (Read 81). Most fluorescent lamps use UV light as their energy source to ionize mercury vapor. A special fluorescent coating absorbs this ionized vapor to produce visible light. Zoologists and biologists use ultraviolet light to take night surveys on organisms in the field. UV light is also used as insect traps. Since insects are naturally attracted to UV light, entomologists use it to attract them for studies. UV fluorescence is also used in parties and nightclubs by causing clothing to glow and make it appealing. Astronomers also use UV light in mapping galaxies such as the Milky Way. This allows them to make out the evolution of galaxies over time. Primarily, young stars emit more ultraviolet radiation compared to older stars. They also emit UV light at a higher proportion at the furthest end of the spectrum. Regions where new stars are born, therefore, produce a brighter UV glow. Astronomers use this knowledge to identify and map such regions. Despite the numerous benefits UV radiation provides humanity, it also has disadvantages. The ability of UV light to change the chemical composition is harmful. As UV light causes minor skin irritations such as sunburn, radiation that is more energetic, can lead to premature skin aging (Blunt 97). It can also lead to alterations of the DNA that can eventually cause skin cancer. Furthermore, overexposure to ultraviolet light causes the skin to produce a pigment known as melanin. Melanin is harmful to the skin and can lead to cancers such as melanoma. Works Cited Blunt, Katharine. Ultraviolet Light. Chicago, Ill: The University of Chicago press, 2011. Print. Read, F H. Electromagnetic Radiation. Chichester [Eng.: J. Wiley, 2010. Print. White, Laurie. Infrared Radiation. Amherst, N.Y: Amherst Media, 2009. Print.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Fall of the Roman Empire essays
Fall of the Roman Empire essays The Roman Empire lasted for over a thousand years; from 756BC to 476AD. But from 180 to 476 Rome decreased. There are many, many reasons that it decreased. At one point it was said that Rome was more respected than feared. That was said only 42 years before Rome began to decrease .How did this world domination go from being the most powerful empire in the world to completely nonexistent? That is what Ill be answering in this essay. The last emperor before the decline of Rome began was Marcus Aurelius. He was the third best emperor in Romes history. He was kind, benevolent, and humane. But during his reign the Pax Romana ended. The Pax Romana is the 200-year period of peace in Ancient Rome. It was said to be the greatest gift Rome gave to the ancient world. This was one of the first events that started the chain of events that made Rome disapear. One of the most important reasons for the fall of Rome was the economy. There were many economic problems in Rome. Ill first start with the prisoners of war or the lack there of. When Emperor Hadrian drew the boundaries and said Rome could grow no more in 121 AD, the empire lost one of the three largest sources of income, prisoners of war. Another major source of income was trade. Rome acted like the middleman in trade between the provinces. The provinces were told what to produce, and they produced it, sold it to Rome, who would then sell it to the other provinces for a higher price. But when the provinces became more and more independent, they cut out the middleman all together. So in that action the provinces were taking one of Romes largest sources of income. The third economic source for Rome was taxes. As the two other sources of income began to disappear, the Rome government raised the taxes for the people of Rome. The taxes skyrocketed and the plebeians, Romes everyday ave rage poor people who made up almost all of Rome, star...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Biography of A. Philip Randolph, Civil Rights Activist
Biography of A. Philip Randolph, Civil Rights Activist Asa Philip Randolph was born April 15, 1889, in Crescent City, Florida, and died May 16, 1979, in New York City. He was a civil rights and labor activist, known for his role in organizing the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and for heading the March on Washington. He also influenced Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman to issue executive orders that banned discrimination and segregation in the defense industry and the armed forces, respectively. A. Philip Randolph Full Name: Asa Philip RandolphOccupation: Labor movement leader, civil rights activistBorn: April 15, 1889 in Crescent City, FloridaDied: May 16, 1979 in New York CityParents: Rev. James William Randolph and Elizabeth Robinson RandolphEducation: Cookman InstituteSpouse: Lucille Campbell Green RandolphKey Accomplishments: Organizer of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, chair of the March on Washington, recipient of the Presidential Medal of FreedomFamous Quote: â€Å"Freedom is never granted; it is won. Justice is never given; it is exacted.†Early Years A. Philip Randolph was born in Crescent City, Florida, but grew up in Jacksonville. His father, the Rev. James William Randolph, was a tailor and minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church; his mother, Elizabeth Robinson Randolph, was a seamstress. Randolph also had an older brother named James. Randolph likely inherited his activist streak from his parents, who taught him the importance of personal character, education, and standing up for oneself. He never forgot the night that his parents both armed themselves when a mob set out to lynch a man at the county jail. With a pistol beneath his coat, his father went to the jail to break up the mob. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Randolph stood watch at home with a shotgun. President of the Brotherhood A. Philip Randolph, sitting at his desk. Rex Hardy Jr. / Getty Images This was not the only way his mother and father influenced him. Knowing that his parents valued education, Randolph excelled in school, as did his brother. They went to the Jacksonville area’s only school for black students at that time, the Cookman Institute. In 1907, he graduated as valedictorian of his class. An Activist in New York Four years after high school, Randolph moved to New York City with the hope of becoming an actor, but he gave up on his dream because his parents disapproved. Inspired by W.E.B. DuBois’ book â€Å"The Souls of Black Folk,†which explored African American identity, Randolph began to focus on sociopolitical issues. He also concentrated on his personal life, marrying a wealthy widow named Lucille Campbell Green in 1914. She was a businesswoman and a socialist, and she was able to provide financial support for her husband’s activism, including his oversight of a magazine called The Messenger. The publication had a socialist bent, and Columbia University student Chandler Owen ran it with Randolph. Both men were opposed to World War I and were monitored by the authorities for speaking out against the international conflict, which the United States became involved in during 1917. The war ended the following year, and Randolph pursued other forms of activism. Members of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, the first successful African-American Labor Union, proudly display their banner at a 1955 ceremony celebrating the organizations 30th anniversary. Asa Philip Randolph (1889-1979), Union president, seen wearing black and white shoes, holds up Brotherhood flag.  Bettmann / Contributor Starting In 1925, Randolph spent a decade fighting for the unionization of the Pullman porters, the black men who worked as baggage handlers and wait staff in the sleeping cars of trains. Randolph not only knew a great deal about unions, but he also did not work for the Pullman Company, which manufactured most of the railroad cars in the US during the first half of the 1900s. Since he did not have to fear that Pullman would retaliate against him for organizing, the porters thought he’d be a suitable representative for them. In 1935, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters finally formed, a huge victory. No African American labor union had been organized before. Taking on the White House Randolph parlayed his success with the Pullman porters into advocacy work for black workers at the federal level. As World War II unfolded, President Franklin Roosevelt would not give an executive order to prohibit racial discrimination in the defense industry. This meant that African American employees in this sector could be excluded from jobs based on race or paid unfairly. So, Randolph asked African Americans to march in Washington, D.C, to protest the president’s inaction against discrimination. Tens of thousands of black people were prepared to take to the streets of the nation’s capital until the president changed his mind. This forced Roosevelt to take action, which he did by signing an executive order on June 25, 1941. Roosevelt also established the Fair Employment Practices Commission to see his order through. Additionally, Randolph played a key role in getting President Harry Truman to sign the Selective Service Act of 1947. This legislation outlawed racial segregation in the armed forces. During this time, black men and white men served in different units, and the former often were placed in high-risk situations without the proper resources to defend themselves. Desegregating the military was the key to giving black servicemen more opportunity and safety. US President Dwight Eisenhower (1890 - 1965) meets with Civil Rights leaders at the White House to discuss desegregation, Washington DC, June 23, 1958.  Abbie Rowe / Getty Images If President Truman had not signed the act, Randolph was ready to get men of all races to take part in mass nonviolent civil disobedience. It helped that Truman was counting on the black vote to win his reelection bid and knew that alienating African Americans would put his campaign at risk. This prompted him to sign the desegregation order. During the following decade, Randolph continued his activism. The new labor organization the AFL-CIO chose him as vice president in 1955. In this capacity, he continued to advocate for black workers, striving to desegregate labor unions, which had historically excluded African Americans. And in 1960, Randolph founded an organization exclusively focused on black workers’ rights. It was called the Negro American Labor Council, and he served as its president for six years. The March on Washington Mahatma Gandhi often gets the credit for influencing the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders to take a nonviolent approach to activism, but A. Philip Randolph was an inspiration to civil rights activists, too. Without using violence, he’d ushered in the formation of the first major black labor union and influenced two different presidents to sign executive orders to ban racial discrimination. Knowing how effective Randolph had been, the new crop of black activists followed his example. August 1963: More than 200,000 protesters gather to demand equal rights for black Americans on Constitution Avenue in Washington, DC. Among them are Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 - 1968) (4th L), A. Philip Randolph (2nd R) as well as Roy Wilkins, Whitney Young and Rabbi Joachim Prinz.  MPI / Getty Images When they called for 1963’s March on Washington, the biggest civil rights demonstration in the history of the United States, they appointed Randolph as chair of the event. There, an estimated 250,000 people turned out to march for jobs and freedom for African Americans, and witnessed King give his I Have a Dream speech, arguably his most memorable. Later Years While 1963 was certainly a standout year for Randolph because of the March on Washington’s success, it was also a tragic one. His wife, Lucille, died that year. The couple had no children. 1964 Wahington, DC: President Johnson presents A. Philp Randolph with the presidential Medal of Freedom. Bettmann  / Contributor In 1964, Randolph turned 75 years old, but he continued being singled out for his advocacy work on behalf of African Americans. That year, President Lyndon Johnson honored him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. And in 1968, Randolph presided over the new A. Philip Randolph Institute, which works to garner African American support of trade unions. During this time, Randolph kept his position on the AFL-CIO Executive Council, leaving the role in 1974. A. Philip Randolph died on May 16, 1979, in New York City. He was 90 years old. Sources â€Å"A. Philip Randolph.†AFL-CIO.â€Å"Hall of Honor Inductee: A. Philip Randolph.†US Department of Labor.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The design of health and safety control system Assignment - 1
The design of health and safety control system - Assignment Example The levels of oxygen in confined spaces can be depleted when there is reaction between some soils and oxygen in the atmosphere; or release of gas such as carbon dioxide that can displace ambient air. Poisonous gases, fumes or vapours can built up in the sewer; enter from connecting pipes; or leak from other areas. Residues left on surface of walls can give off gas, fume, or vapour. Scraping before painting can give rise to particulates that can contaminate the ambient air. Spray painting can give rise to volatile organic compounds depending on the composition of the paint. Volatile organic compounds can have adverse health effects including cancer. The person conducting the operation is at major risk for adverse effects described above. Since the sewer is located below a field where cattle and sheep graze, an open sewer could be a fall hazard for these animals. The control system for this operation includes barricades and procedures for confined space work. According to the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 hazards must be identified; risks assessed and precautions determined. According to the Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 presence of risks of serious injury as in the operation requires following a safe system of work, and putting in place adequate emergency measures before the start of work. The safe system of work is based on the operation described above. A supervisor should be given responsibility for ensuring that necessary precautions are observed for checking the safety at each stage and being present when the work is in execution. The operator must have sufficient experience in conducting painting work in confined spaces. A determination has to be made if there is the need to isolate the sewer, and it must be checked if the isolation is effective. Before entry cleaning is required to determine whether fume s do not develop from residues while work is
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Graduate Book Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Graduate Book Review - Assignment Example The cover of the work documents the content of the book and what the author aims at portraying to the readers. With a boldly written title and clear subtitles on the themes inside, the reader can easily search for the information required. The main thesis of the work involves the defining what is required by an individual in terms of business innovation, identifying the problem that may hamper innovation, and then defining a solution. The work also indicates that new ideas can be created from existing ones. Creativity is, therefore, key as far as business innovation is concerned. In the first chapter, for example, Murray explains that the first step of business innovation must involve identifying the existing problem or an issue that is to be solved (31-60). It is in the course of business innovation that Murray indicates that there is need to get similar ideas from similar problems that have been existent before (61-62). This means that the business innovator must collect facts from what has been existent before, and then come up with a solution. The next step in business innovation involves connecting all the borrowed ideas and combining them to make a workable idea. In the next step, Murray explains that there is n eed for patience so that the collected ideas can be given time to come up with solutions (101-139). Patience is, therefore, a requirement in business innovation. The fourth step as Murray recommends is the incubation process that allows for the decisions made to come up with a solution (141-176). Next is coming up with an approach that will evaluate the pluses and the weaknesses of the solutions incubated so as to assess if the decisions made were fruitful or not (178-210). Lastly, enhancing is a major step in the course of business innovation (211-255). This step allows for strengthening the strong points of the business idea and eliminating the weak points. Evidently,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
A christmas carol Essay Example for Free
A christmas carol Essay How does Dickens make the reader of A Christmas Carol want to keep Christmas well? Charles Dickens (1812-70) remains one of the most widely read Victorian novelists. He was raised from a poor family and as this experience left its mark on him he grew up not forgetting his early brush with English injustice. So many of his works deal with problems of growing up in poverty and the fight for injustices. This is evident in some of his books like Oliver Twist, Bleak House, A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations. A Christmas Carol which is said to be the first and best of all Dickens Christmas books became a national benefit and a personal kindness to all its readers. In A Christmas Carol, Dickens tells of how Scrooge, a miser learns what Christmas really means. This story tells the reader how Scrooge on Christmas Eve sits in his house and counts his money regardless of what goes on. He just wants to be left alone until the humbug of Christmas is over. At the beginning of the novel, Scrooges nephew reminds him of Christmas as a time where we think of the poor However four ghosts-Marley, his partner, the ghost of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come- reveal to Scrooge the mistakes of his way. The visits of the spirits also remind Scrooge that Christmas is a time of generosity, joy, laughter, showing goodwill to others, sharing as well as a time to spend with loved ones. So by the dawn of Christmas Day, Scrooge is ready to keep Christmas well and learn to enjoy it. By this Dickens social conscience moves the reader and tells the reader what is involved in keeping Christmas well. Dickens uses two techniques to get readers to keep Christmas well. He frightens the reader firstly by the use of some characters like Marley. Secondly, he makes the reader want to join in with those who are enjoying Christmas by using the Cratchit Family At the beginning of the novel, Dickens makes the reader dislike Scrooge because of his attitude towards others. The reader immediately sees Scrooge as a mean, self-contained man who has no time for anyone else but himself and his money. This is seen in how he treats people. For example, Scrooge treats his clerk with anger and suspicion. However, when the latter shows interest in Christmas, the former threatens to give him the sack. Scrooge warns the clerk by saying: Let me hear another sound from you, and youll keep your Christmas by losing your situation. (Page 7) Similarly Scrooges treatment of the clerk does not differ from his nephew. Scrooges nephew pays him a visit to wish him a Merry Christmas and to invite him for dinner. Again, Scrooge treats him with contempt, making him look like a nai ve person for believing in Christmas. His response to the charity collectors was very discouraging and demeaning. Two portly gentlemen ask Scrooge to donate for charity. Due to his unbelief in charitable activities, he suggests they go to workhouses. They explain to him that most would rather die than go to such places. In reply, Scrooge says:
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Marketplace Madness :: Personal Narrative Writing
Marketplace Madness On a Friday afternoon I traveled with two others from my English class to a rather ordinary patch of farmland next to Highway 101 and adjacent to the Promenade. From out of the car window we looked at a seemingly endless field of cabbages, bordered at least an acre thick with black dirt. It looked strange that the busy Promenade abruptly ended at this sea of dirt. To the left we could see cars streaking by on the highway. The field had a tilled appearance, yet it looked as if nobody had been working on it for a while. Weeds grew sporadically on the black dirt. The sight of it told of half hearted farming efforts and neglect. We decided that one pass of this field would yield all that it had to give visually. However, the controversy surrounding it takes much research to understand. This field is the proposed site of the San Luis Marketplace, a shopping center bigger than any single building project in the history of San Luis Obispo. Spurred on by curiosity, I researched the field in the hopes that I could learn more about it than what I saw at first glance. The field contains Salinas Soils, the most productive kind of soil found in the county. Salinas Soils are alluvial, containing nutrients and minerals washed down from the hillsides by rainwater. The fertility of the soil makes it a very productive field for growing, yielding crops many times a year. The dark black color of the soil indicates how fertile it is. This made me think of something that my girlfriend’s mom said. She works at the El Dorado County Agricultural Department, and she came down here a few weeks ago. When she passed by the Dalidio field she exclaimed â€Å"Wow! Look how black the dirt is!†The owner of the property, a farmer named Ernie Dalidio, struck a deal in 1992 with developer Bill Bird to build a forty-acre shopping centre on the property. Proponents of the marketplace argue that the shopping centre will generate an enormous amount of sales tax that the city can use to support the community.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Running Head: Reframing Non-informational Matters
Reframing Non-informational MattersOther than her immediate advisors or the cabinet members the governor should seek advice from a criminology expert, local administrators, prosecutors and law enforcement officers. Her task force should contain the following appointees; the head manager who will oversee all the activities of the task force is running smoothly and report to her. A Criminology specialist who will advise on crime reduction, prevention and stop. Government prosecutors, local administrators who will mobilize people and talk them out of crime during meeting and the law enforcement officers and the operational staff in general.The language and metaphor she should use in her presentation to the individuals she would ask to serve on the task force should vary with the level of service and education but the message at the end of the day should be one. The top individuals in the task force should be spoken to in the horizontal communication. They should look and see the governo r as their leader. They should work very hard to ensure that the plan becomes efficient and effective. The governor should however speak to the lower appointee in a polite manner and ask for their cooperation and support to curb crime in the community. This is because the lower force men are the ones that interact more often than not with the layman. One of the metaphors she would use is prevention is better than cure. Her request can be worded differently to each potential member but should bring out the same meaning to each of them so that during their next meeting they can all be signing the same song .with the same goals and objectives that is success.The governor should announce her plan to the public in a simple and clear manner. She should be convincing and should also support her plan so as to win the public into believing it will work. Asking of questions to the public and requesting them to cooperate and help enhance the plan to succesed.She should fluently elaborate to th e public the merits of the plan if it pulls through.Her briefing to the media should be short and exact to the point. She should give the media a general over view of the plan and during the rest of the briefing process she should be busy asking the media rhetoric questions as well as using metaphor to defend herself and the plan again from their accusions.Examples she would use; Don’t you think that this plan if successful it kill two birds with one stone. Do you need a crime free Utopia or not? Do you think this plan will work out? Some of the tough questions she will get include; why didn’t you pick another way of getting fund? Who advised you on that strategy madam governor? How much expenditure shall your appointed team use during planning  and implement action of the plan. How will other nations react to your opinion of reducing criminal sentences and wouldn’t the criminal level increase due to this factor.One of the barriers of communication accord ing to (Stan S.,David .K., John .K, 2003 p85)  is denial of information. For example the message may conflict with our personal beliefs or values. This factor may affect the law enforcement officer who beliefs that the criminal must be punished but the idea of preventing crime is new it might be ignored by some causing the plan not to work as supported to. Another barrier is lack of motivation or interest in communicating and interest in the message. The manager for example is supposed to be given a feedback of the progress of the plan from the lower workers. These messages are in a memo form. If the memos become very many the manager may lose the interest to read them that way communication barrier is created.Non-credibility of the source. The police force in is known to be very corrupt in their day to day work. If the police bring information to other members of the force e.g. the criminology expert may not believe the message due to their lack of credibility. This barrier is created. Use of complex channels of communication is another barrier to effective communication among the workforce. Important information does not reach the lowly workers because the transmission process is slow.These barriers can be overcome through the following techniques. In the case of lack of motivation. The manager would choice another form of communication like the fax machine which would give audio messages. This would motivate and interest him to know what the people are saying. In the case of non-credibility of the source the appointed law enforcement officers should strive and shun corruption and the group should also put down law to stop the vices. The lack of communication skill should be avoided by the individuals lacking the skills going through an academic training, formal education should also be given as well as streetwise language taught. A less complex communication channel should be created to allow for all members access information quickly.The plan should first be written down on a piece of paper. It should then be drawn in a diagram to show how co-operation of and the personnel in implementing it. The plan should then be produced into hard copies and given to the operational staff.Get one of the eloquent speakers with good communication skills.The elaborate the operational personnel showing them the job and how you wish the job to be done. Speak clearly on the part to be played by each operational staff. Elaborate on the means through which feedback is to be given to the manager as each person works to achieve the goals and objectives of the plan.The general barriers to communication that will exist among task force members and level of policy makers, administrators, middle managers, down to the operational staff are: communication skill as they are of different educational level, complex communication channel leading to poor transmission of information. Poor organizational climate is another barrier that generally affects the memb er of levels bringing about gossip.References;Kreps,G.Organizational Communication.2nd ed. New York: Longman, 1990.Farace, R.,Monge,P.and Russell, H.Communicating and Organizing.New York;Random House, 1977.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Impact of jet on vanes Essay
The impact of jet experiment is to demonstrate and verify the integral momentum equation.[1]. In lay man terms, it’s another way to understand fluid pressure by using the pressure to accelerate the fluid to a plate by a high velocity in a jet which in result will generate force due to impulse. The graph will show forces against momentum with different design plates. This experiment helps us to understand about fluid pressure also gives us a better understanding about fluid related machines. These Terms have the same force and effect as an Agreement signed in writing. If you do not agree to these Terms, you may not use the Service. Each time you access, upload, or download any content from the Service, you signify your agreement to the then-current terms. This Agreement is subject to change at any time; therefore, you are responsible to review these Terms regularly to learn about any changes. We will post an updated version of these Terms if we modify them. You understand and a gree that your ongoing use of the Service after we post or provide notice of the changes to this Agreement means that you accept and confirm that the updated Terms apply to you. The laws of the State of California govern this Agreement. You agree to resolve any dispute with us as provided in the Dispute Resolution Procedures described in Sections 21 and 22 below, which include arbitration and the options you have with arbitration. We use the term â€Å"You†to mean the person or entity who will access or use the Service as an end user. The term â€Å"Login†means the combination of unique username and password that is used to access our Service. A login is a license to use a site, application or service for a period of time that is specified. â€Å"Membership†or â€Å"Members†means a single registration and/or subscription account per user of a valid username and password (login) for the service during the term of a subscription. â€Å"We†or â⠂¬Å"us†in this Agreement shall mean: its brands, affiliates, subsidiaries and operating divisions.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Ethical Lens Inventory Results Essay
Ethical Lens Inventory Results Essay Ethical Lens Inventory Results Essay Ethical Lens Inventory Results Odessa Whitehouse US/101 March 15, 2013 Kendra Justice My Ethical Lens Inventory tells me that my preferred lenses are the results and reputation lenses because I tend to listen to my intuition to determine the greatest good for each individual and which character traits and virtues will best serve my community. I value autonomy and equality equally while seeking interdependence with a moderate value sensibility, following my heart to make prudent choices, using rationality and reasoning to find the rules of life. In practical matters I use wisdom and foresight as I act with enlightened self-interest, managing to avoid rash actions while staying optimistic, imaginative, and courageous in the face of obstacles. Tending to assume that everyone operates from a clear sense of their own values and positive character traits required by their role, I define ethical behavior as creating the greatest good by living out role responsibilities such as making responsible choices that benefit many different individuals at the same time. People who demonstrate strong leadership and encourage others to do the same exemplify ethical behavior in my eyes. The tools I use to analyze problems are experience and tradition. I see current situations in the light of experience and use a combination of intuition and imagination to incorporate new information and solve problems. I focus on what is going on in a situation, considering options that both reflect excellence in my role and make people happy. I consider multiple perspectives and am comfortable with ambiguity. I am self-reliant and accountable, not afraid to pursue my delights and freedom for all in my community. I am able to put myself in the shoes of others and tell their story. Ensuring that all have free will lessens the risk of reducing decisions to a narrow and purely financial cost-benefit analysis. Should my compassion fail I may believe that I am entitled to perks or privileges because of my role. If I fail to exercise free will responsibly, my pursuit of good for all can devolve into an excuse for taking as much for myself as I can get away with. If I become hard-hearted, I may apply capricious and inappropriate solutions. I may be prone to sudden unpredictable changes in attitude or behavior such as impulsiveness. I must develop the practice of mindfulness and reflection or I may face failure. I may lose friends because my acquisitiveness or obsession with responsibilities can drive them away. Ethical Lens Inventory Results My ethical lens directs my academic behavior in that I am able to see other people’s points of view with an open mind. I am able to put myself in their shoes to really
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Taking and Bringing
Taking and Bringing Taking and Bringing Taking and Bringing By Maeve Maddox Carol Roberts Smith asks: Why can’t we ‘take’ anything anywhere anymore? Why do we have to ‘bring’ it. It sounds weird to me to say bring or brought. ‘I brought lunch to work’ I can live with, but ‘I have to bring this back to the store’ makes no sense to me. I’m taking it back to the store one way or another. Help me understand please. I notice it on TV a lot now too. Thanks! Both bring and take have numerous meanings. One can, for example, take medicine, take the Fifth, take a liking to, take it on the chin, take a partner, take in a stray, take up for a friend, take out a date, and take an oath. One can bring to bear, bring tears to the eyes, bring something up, and challenge someone to bring it on. The OED entry for take lists 93 numbered definitions. The one for bring has 27 numbered definitions. The definition that concerns us here is Number One: bring: 1. To cause to come along with oneself; to fetch. It includes ‘lead’ or ‘conduct’ (F. amener) as well as ‘carry’ (F. apporter); it implies motion towards the place where the speaker or auditor is, or is supposed to be, being in sense the causal of come; motion in the opposite direction is expressed by take (Fr. emmener, emporter).  When the words are used to express the conveying of something or someone to or from a given point, the choice between bring and take is clear: If the person or thing is going away from where you are, use take. If the object or person is coming to where you are, use bring. Some examples of the correct use of bring and take: Im taking this blender back to the store. Im taking my girlfriend to the movies. Please bring your wife to the party. Dont forget to bring me that book next time you visit. Jacquelyn Landis has also written a DWT post on bring and take for DWT. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Useful Stock Phrases for Your Business EmailsThe Letter "Z" Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet50 Plain-Language Substitutions for Wordy Phrases
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Childhood Obesity in the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Childhood Obesity in the USA - Essay Example The World Health Organisation explains obesity as the accumulation of excessive or abnormal fat in the body. This excess fat is weakens ones health. The body mass index is pivotal in determining whether one is obese. A child is obese when he has weight above the normal weight estimated for his age and height. The World Health Organisation state that, in order to assess a child’s healthy weight, it is crucial to make a comparison basing on the weight of other children having a similar age and of the same gender. The centre of disease and control provide growth charts utilised by physicians in monitoring the growth of the child. The world health organisation state that children between the age of 2-19 who have a BMI greater or equal to 95thpercentile is obese (Who.int, â€Å"Childhood Obesity†). The American heart association fact sheet indicates that among children aged between 2-19, 1 out of 6 are obese. Statistics estimate that 17.8% of the obese population are boys, whereas, 15.9% of the obese population are girls. The figures quoted by the CDC illustrates that, the proportion of children between the ages 5-17 years considered to be obese has risen in 2008/2009 compared to 1973/1974. In 2009-2010, 16.9% children and adolescents in the states were obese. Statistics show that obesity is prevalent among boys than girls (CDC.gov, â€Å"NCHS data brief.†). There are varied reasons explaining the causes of obesity. The main cause is the unhealthy diet observed by many children coupled with low physical activity. Sedentary lifestyles such as watching TV, spending hours on mobile phone and plating video games are activities common among children of the 21 century. These activities have replaced active exercises such as swimming, playing ball or biking.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Project Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Project Management - Case Study Example This is an added advantage for Rachel since at that time there is no distractions hence total concentration. However, although she gets to work early, in the first twenty minutes after getting into the office, she does nothing constructive. Instead, she takes these twenty minutes to socialize with her colleague Neil. Although socializing gets an individual in a good mood to start off the day, it is unadvisable since it may also act as a distraction (Erik and Clifford, 2011). Question 2: What does the case tell you about what it is like to be a project manager? It is worth noting that project management is not an easy task since it is a leadership position. Therefore, as a project manager, Rachel should arrive early in order to set a trend for her team members on punctuality and time management. More so, by the time the company managing director arrives, Rachel should be able update him or her on the progress of the project, as well as, the working team. There are a number of manageri al traits that are required of a project manager. First, project manager is a supervisor that over sees all the operations concerning the project (Erik and Clifford, 2011). For instance, Rachel spends most of the day moving from one office to the other supervising her team, consulting with her workmates as well as reporting to her boss. Secondly, as a project manager, one should play an assistive role to his or her colleagues. For example, Rachel helps another IS project manager in reviewing the project and bringing it back on track. Finally, a project manager should be social and keep in touch with everyone within and outside their organization. Rachel communicates with her team members and discusses extensively with her counterparts from client firms. These, among other reasons, show that the role of a project manager is a generally a one man task. 2) Moss and McAdams Accounting firm This case study is based on an occurrence at the Moss and McAdams (M&M) firm that caused a conflic t of interest between two managers: Bruce Palmer and Ken Crosby. The disagreement was on whom Mr. Zeke Olds, a very resourceful person, should work for. However, there are a number of reasons that place Crosby as the most suitable person to work with Olds. Question 1: If you were Palmer at the end of the case, how would you respond? The first reason would be that it is not advisable to have a member of the team who is not fully committed to the roles he or she is supposed to play. In addition, it would be best for Bruce to avoid conflicting with Crosby who was an important colleague (Erik and Clifford, 2011). Question 2: What, if anything, could Palmer have done to avoid losing Olds? According to Erik and Clifford, 2011, Although Palmer would have taken some impromptu actions to avoid losing Olds; it was the best action at the time. Initially, he could have held a discussion with both Crosby and Olds for the purpose of making a proper timetable as well as setting rules that would no t disadvantage either party. The second reason was that Palmer took quite a while before communicating with Ruby Sands, the manager in charge of assigning personnel to various accounts at the Green Bay Office in which Palmer and Cosby were based. Had he communicated his wish earlier, the situation would have been kept in control and his project, the Johnsonville Project, would have been kept on schedule. However, Crosby was not an understanding colleague since he expected favors although he could not return
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sustainable Management Futures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Sustainable Management Futures - Essay Example The employer should have justifiable evidence that can convince an outside observer of her claims. The employee should also be convicted that this action of making public the wrongdoings will lead to changes being done. The Disclosure Act 1998 requires employees not to engage in whistle blowing activities. Loyalty is having unwavering allegiance to an affiliation or person Integrity on the other hand is being free of any form of dishonest behavior (Johnson, 2003: 279). When whistle blowing the employee who is loyal to the organization should seek the best for that organization and make justifiable accusations that are not aimed at achieving selfish gain but helping the general majority. Whistle blowing for the right reasons is a positive force in the society as it ensures that people maintain accountability and ethics. Lying is not justifiable at any one time. However I don’t believe that business can be completely ethical especially in price determination. This is because pri ces are determined by the market with all organization trying to make the most profits. The code of ethics is crucial for an organization as it leads to cultivation of good behaviors such as accountability honesty and integrity which makes the organization not to operate smoothly. Legal considerations are crucial because it save an organization or individual trouble with the law. For instance nurses are expected to abide to the rule of confidentiality of their patient (Brenkert & Beauchamp, 2010 618). If they have information about a HIV positive patient and discover that he/she plans to have sexual relations with a HIV negative partner they cannot blow the whistle since they can be sued. Scenario Three Increasing women in the top executive positions increase diversity in the board of directors’ composition. This creates an arena for discussion of different perspectives on issues which helps in making good decisions. Lord Davies report has recommendation on how women represen tation in top executive position in UK can reach to 25% by 2015. The institute of leadership report on women reveals that despite about half of the working population consist of women they are underrepresented in the top executive positions. Women hold only 12% of directorship position and only 22% of top management positions. Barrier to female occupation of top position are gender biases and the fact that women who are also homemakers are unable to give total commitment to work such as working long hours. Promotion today is based on performance. The first wave of feminism started in the late 19th century to early 20th century. This was during the industrialization era and the wave had the aim of pushing for opening job opportunity for women. It challenged the culture of domesticity calling for women representation in the political arena. The second wave was in the 1960s-90s. This came after the civil movement had diet down. The main aim of this was the recognition of female reprodu ctive rights and promotion of equal social rights. The third wave which is also called post feminism started in the 1990s to date. This is where female portray their sexuality by wearing high heels pushup bras and make up (Vinnicombe, 2008; 142). They assert that one can be beautiful and at the same time have brains. In the former waves female sexuality was seen as an object of oppression but it is now viewed as a subject of feminine beauty. Scenario four The stakeholders theory outlines haw an organization should be managed and the ethical
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A Teachers View On Teaching Kindergarten English Language Essay
A Teachers View On Teaching Kindergarten English Language Essay Kindergarten teachers establish the foundation of all education. These extraordinary educators help their students learn the alphabet, how to count, and how to write; all the qualities needed to be successful in school. In addition to academics, kindergarten teachers are instrumental in setting standards for good behavior in school. Without their guidance the children would not have the proper foundations for their future learning. Kindergarten classrooms and teachers are very important to little children who are just beginning their formal learning process at a new school. Kindergarten teachers are the most important in a childs education. Kindergarten is the second stage in school following pre-kindergarten. In pre-kindergarten you learn how to get along with and play with other students. Kindergarten is the establishment of young childrens existence in the educational system. What does the word kindergarten stand for? It means a school or class for children usually from four to six year olds à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ that serve as an introduction to school. (Merriam-Webster) Some teachers said it is not an easy job teaching kindergarten students. Two teachers interviewed say teaching kindergarten is a difficult job. Mrs. Van Dyke stated, Yes, yes, yes!! I really enjoy teaching them, but every day presents its own trials. It also has many rewards, (Mrs. Van Dyke). Mrs. Byrd stated, The good thing about kindergarten is the children are enthusiastic to learn and strive to please their teachers. I like being able to be the one that teaches the establishment of letters, phonics, numbers, and reading comprehension, (Mrs. Byrd). Mrs. Van Dyke and Mrs. Byrd where asked what inspired them to become a teacher? Mrs. Van Dyke said, I have always loved children. I began working as a dance teacher and enjoyed it so much I decided to go into it as a career, (Mrs. Van Dyke). Mrs. Byrd stated, I started working in the school system so that I could spend more time with my two sons. I worked three years in second grade. My Assistant principle moved me to kindergarten becau se she said my gift was really with the little ones, (Mrs. Byrd). Without the teachers the kindergarten class would not happen. The teachers will help the students to get all of the foundation needed to go on to the first grade. In essence, kindergarten teachers are very important to a little childs educational career. In an interview, Mrs. Van Dyke and Mrs. Byrd were asked how long it took them to complete their degrees to become a teacher and teacher assistant. What degree(s) did they get from college, and what college(s) did they attend? Mrs. Van Dyke stated, It took me four years. I took classes during the summer and graduated in four years. I attended Harding University and Slippery Rock College, receiving a degree in early childhood education, (Mrs. Van Dyke). Mrs. Byrd said, I have an associates degree in computer science from Gaston College. I worked full time in a textile mill so it took me between three to four years to complete it, (Mrs. Byrd). A classroom is a place for learning experiences. Most kindergarten classrooms have a kitchen play house set. Also the classroom contains water paint, a computer, a sand table, blocks, puzzles, and a writing center. These activities allow students to interact with each other students in the class. In a kindergarten classroom you have cubbies to store students supplies (book bag, clothes and other stuff). Also you will find a smiley chart which is used to display students behavior for the day. It is called a behavior chart; this chart is a scale showing a range of behaviors from high spirits to low or disappointing behavior from a teachers point of view. Lesson plans are a teaching tool to show how a teacher gets ready for his or her class every day. Lesson plans show what teachers do to help each and every student. Carpet time in kindergarten classes is a learning period. During carpet time the kindergarten students learn the days of the week. That is very important for little children to know the days of the week. Also during carpet time the children sing the good morning song. Here are the words to the song; Good morning to you! Good morning to you! Were all in our places with bright shining faces. Oh, this is the way to start a great day! Good morning to you! Good morning to you! Were all in our places with food on our faces. Oh, this is the way to have a great day! Good evening to you! Stars and the moon in their places they go through their paces. Oh, this is the way to end a good day! (Variety of Kindergarten Choices Increases). Also while the children are at the carpet the sing songs and move around the carpet or rug in the r oom. It is very significant that the children know the days of the week, how to count, and read previous to first grade. Every now and then when the students are misbehaving they do not get to go outside and play with other children. That is called a time out. Some children do not like that at all. Also when some of the students misbehave they have to pull a clip. That is one way to tell when a student is being terrible. All of the children love to be interactive. [The little students will be devoted to this lesson because they are interactive in on the increase their class tree and then take an interactive piece in putting their letter on the tree when it is their turn to put their letter on the tree.] That is very full of life measurement in that days lesson plans. All most all of the kindergarteners are not able to sit in their sits all day long, they need to get up and be in motion around sometimes. If you have something in your lesson this is a good song to use. This is how the song goes like this. [Inside, outside up and down long and short smile and frown hot and cold fast and slow how many opposites do you know Were alert when its morning and sleep when it is night. We keep close to home will not go far out of sight. The children try to be good and not to be bad. Were a good quantity are often in high spirits, but sometime our toys are profound but some are light too. Our toy box is sometimes unfilled when were having an enjoyable time playing with toys. But its full again when we shipshape up at the end of every day.] That is one way to get their small bodies moving, and the kindergarteners will not be so wiggly when youre ready to be knowledgeable. In kindergarten the students may also have some home work to do. The students may have home work is really not difficult. At the start of the school year, the teachers will help the students learn how to say and write their alphabet. Some say that is too much on a little kindergartener. But it is really not. Students have to know the alphabet so when they get to first grade. They are the building blocks needed throughput their educational career. In addition to songs, nursery rhymes are another way to get the students active. Here are two examples of nursery rhymes, twinkle, and twinkle, and little star, and Hickory, dickory, dock. Hickory, dickory, docks; the mouse ram up the clock. The clock struck one, and the mouse ran down the clock, Hickory, dickory, dock (Mrs. Byrd). Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! When the blazing sun is gone, when nothing shines upon, than you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! Then the traveler in the dark thanks you for your tiny sparks; he could not see which way to go, it you did not twinkle so. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! In the dark blue sky you keep, and often through my curtains peep, for you never shut your eye till the sun is in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! As youre bright and tiny spark lights the traveler in the dark, through I know not what you are, twinkle, twinkle, and little star. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! (Mrs. Van Dyke). Those are really good nursery rhymes, and the children will love to say them and read them all the time. The alphabet comforter is a good thing to use because it refreshes their memory allowing them to remember their sounds and how to pronounce them; some teachers say this lesson is great for little ones. To help the students count, the teachers can use some number word rhymes to help them remember how to count. The teachers also can help them to remember their colors by doing color rhymes or songs that tells them how to spell the colors of the rainbow. Here is one of the color rhymes for the color black. B-l-a-c-k spells b-l-a-c-k. B-l-a-c-k spells b-l-a-c-k. Scary cats are b-l-a-c-k. Flying bats are b-l-a-c-k. Santas boots are b-l-a-c-k. I like b-l-a-c-k. B-l-a-c-k spells b-l-a-c-k. B-l-a-c-k spells b-l-a-c-k. Sunday shoes are b-l-a-c-k. Jelly beans are b-l-a-c-k. B-l-a-c-k spells b-l-a-c-k (Mrs. Van Dyke). B-r-o-w-n, b-r-o-w-n thats how you spell b-r-o-w-n, b-r-o-w-n. Big trees outside are b-r-o-w-n. B-r-o-w-n Hersheys- kisses are b-r-o-w-n. (Mrs. Byrd and Mrs. Van Dyke). Another method of learning is where the teacher begins by trying to activate prior comprehension is. The teachers questions will help them to understand what they will be learning. The teacher will encourage students to start developing skills in listening to others, sharing thoughts or a dream, thinking about what they know, thinking about what they would like to know, and following directions. The teachers will also assist students in developing a positive reception for other ideas. A positive reception for the topic they will be studying. A feeling of accomplishment. Core curriculum content standards; all students will get your hands on historical understanding of societal thoughts and forces throughout the history of New Jersey, the United States, and world. Introduction; review; the teacher will ask the students what they are on familiar terms with about communication. Enthusiasm the teacher will have books, fiction and nonfiction, displayed on the topic. Predicament what so we already know about communication and what do we want to know? Development; the teacher will tell the class that they will be studying about communication. Ask the class what they think communication is. The teacher will ask the class what types of things they would like to be familiar terms with about communication. The teacher will go over the responses he or she has written on the paper and put it into simple words. The teacher will explain the different things they will be learning with reference to ways communication happen, inventions, a nimal communication by Aliki, graphic representation document. (Mrs. Van Dyke). All classrooms and teachers can be very different than others in the same school. Also all most all of the teachers have a different way they teach their class. Some students may or may not like the way the teacher teaches, that is very okay. This is why kindergarten teachers and classroom in a childs educational career. Life as a kindergarten teacher can be very hard in a way. The teachers have a very big job on their hands because teaching kindergarten is hard knowing what that child goes through at home. Some parents just do not care about their childs school work. So with that being said it is very hard sometimes to be a teacher. The teachers will never know how a child is treated at home unless they tell you. So kindergarten teachers are so very important in a childs educational career. It is exceptionally okay that a child goes to pre kindergarten taking place before he or she goes off into kindergarten to establish on his or her educational career. The teachers will be the only way a child will get through school. That is why kindergarten teachers and classrooms are so important in a childs educational career. Byrd, Lisa. Personal interview. 20 march 2009. Kindergarten. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2010. Merriam-Webster Online. 5 January 2010 Vandyke, Suzanne. Personal interview. 11 Mar 2009. Variety of Kindergarten Choices Increases. 24 Jan 2009:
Friday, October 25, 2019
Where Will They Burry Your Heart :: essays research papers
Where Will They Bury Your Heart? I have always found profound inspiration in the stories of men and women who lived and died for Christ. In fact, their incredible level of commitment is a measuring stick for my life; their undying courage is a source of my encouragement; and their burning passion is the light to my personal mission. Where would I be without the stories of these seemingly ordinary people who behaved extraordinarily against impossible odds? My faith is lifted each time I recall these true heroes. For me, one of the most moving is the powerful story of David Livingstone and the sacrifices he made to open the great continent of Africa to Christianity. When I first heard this story, I was already very familiar with the hardships that missionaries regularly endure. But the day I heard Livingstone’s story, I was finally able to embrace the extreme price one man paid. Travel with me to the year 1857. David Livingstone had already lived in the land of, â€Å"the thousand villages where no missionary has ever been†for sixteen years. He is now back in England, ready to address Cambridge university students. The custom of the time is for the students to heckle the speakerâ€â€all in fun. This day is no exception. The students have peashooters and noisemakers of every description. They’re ready for whoever this man might be. Then David Livingstone slowly walks to the podium with the step of a man who has walked 11,000 miles. His left arm hangs dead at his side, having been nearly ripped from his body by a lion, his shoulder crushed into splinters. His skin is a dark, leathery brown from sixteen years in the African sun. His face is furrowed with innumerable lines from bouts with African fever, which have also racked and emaciated his body. His physical being is wasted. He is half deaf from rheumatic fever and half blind from a tree branch that whipped him in the eyes while traveling through the jungle. The students are staring. They know this is not just another guest speaker. Before them is a man to be taken seriously. This is a life that was literally being burned out for God. As he begins to speak they learn that Livingstone’s journey began as a young man in Scotland. It was there that he prayed, â€Å"Lord, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Linear Programming in Finance, Accounting and Economics
Linear Programming in Finance, Accounting and Economics Sijia Lu 7289928683 Abstract This article is literatures review about five articles, which apply linear programming to Finance, accounting and economics. The mathematical method is found of crucial importance in those fields. The paper shows how theoretical inference in linear programming throws light upon realistic practice, and how empirical evidence supports those theories. Keywords: finance; accounting; economics; linear programming; investment analysis Linear Programming in Finance Application of Linear Programming to Financial Budgeting and the Costing of Funds†explored how to allocate funds in an enterprise by applying linear programming. As Charnes, Cooper and Miller analyzed, at least three problems are to be considered to solve the allocation problem: 1) Plans for production, purchases, and sales under certain structure of the firm’s assets, in order to maximize its profit or reach other objectives. 2) Th e change of the firm’s profit per unit change in the structure of the assets. 3) Opportunity cost of the firm’s funds.The article starts with a simple example with one commodity and one warehouse. Let B be the fixed warehouse capacity, A be the initial stock of inventory in the warehouse, xj be the amount to be sold in period j, yj be the amount to be sold in period j, pj be the sales price per unit in period j, and cj be the purchase price per unit in period j, then we have due to the cumulative sales constraint; due to the warehouse capacity constraint; due to the buying constraint; due to the selling constraint; and with our goal of maximizing The dual problem is also obvious.It is to minimize subject to and to where As we learned, â€Å"dual theorem of linear programming†says that the two optimal values of the original problem and the dual problem should be equal. Using this theorem, the authors then reached a new method of evaluating assets. Because , we h ave in which the two sides must have the same units of measure. So it is now obvious that t*k represents the value per unit of net warehouse capacity and u*k represents the value per unit of initial inventory in the warehouse. Similarly, consider the financial problem, which has liquidity constraints as here j-? represents payments and j-r represents receipts, M0 is the initial cash available and M is the balance the firm desired the maintain. By examining the dual problem of this, we can find corresponding dual variables for the problem called, say, vk. Again, from the equality we found before, we can learn that the two sides of the equation have the same units of measure. It is then seen that the v’s should be dollars per unit time per dollar invested. The valuation of assets or investments is of crucial importance to any business.So far, by simply applying the dual theorem, Charnes, Cooper and Miller have created a new method of evaluating assets or investments. This metho d of evaluating is also easy to find out answers. It is intelligent to examine the units of measure rather than try to solve the specific problems. The interesting thing is that in realistic problems, we can find true meanings of theoretical dual variables. Then the authors mixed the two former problems together to see a more realistic case – a warehouse problem with financial constraints.So the following new constraints are added: Now if we define We’ll get the new dual problem: Here, V1 is the incremental cumulative internal yield rate. Or it is the opportunity cost the capital invested – â€Å"it shows the net amount to which an additional dollar invested in the firm will accumulate if left to mature to the end of the planning horizon. †This is also easy to understand in terms of economics, maximizing profit can be the same as minimizing the opportunity costs. The article then went through several practical problems using the dual variable evaluating method.It is also interesting to find out that all the commodities are directly linked to the funds-flow while the goods-flow can be avoided in the warehouse problem with multiple commodities. An Example â€Å"A linear programming model for budgeting and financial planning†created an accounting experiment in which the dual variables introduced earlier were calculated which can also be considered as a sensitivity analysis. This can be seen as application and verification of Charnes, Cooper and Miller’s earlier theory. In the linear programming problem listed below, (1) represents the interests earned with a rate of 0. 29%; (2) holds because firm’s sale of securities will not be more than the beginning balance of this amount; (3) represents the maximum collection of receivables will not exceed the beginning balance of account receivable; (4) means the initial cash balance constraints the purchase of securities; (5) indicates â€Å"contribution†on a unit s ale per unit deduction from the ending goods inventory, with prevailing selling price being $9. 996 and cost of production $2. 10; (6) holds because of the cost structure: in the $2. 10 cost, $1. is the material cost and $1. 1 is the conversion cost (direct labor cost and direct overhead); (7) represents the production capacity limits by limiting the value of raw materials; (8) holds because conversion is also limited to raw materials at the beginning of the period; (9) means market limit to the sales by constraint on the standard cost; (10) means sales are also limited because it can not be more than the beginning balance of completed goods; (11) represents the repayment of loans will not exceed the beginning balance of outstanding loans. 12) indicates the limit of accounts payable; (13) is the depreciation charge equation with a rate of 0. 833; (14) indicates the structure of costs to be incurred in the current period, including fixed expenses ($2,675,000), variable cost, effectiv e interest penalty for discounts not taken on accounts payable (at a rate of 3. 09%), and interest on loans (at a periodic rate of 0. 91%); (15) represents income tax is accrued at 52% of net profit and the dividend equals to $83,000 plus(minus) 5% of the excess(shortage) of the expected profit, $1,800,000; (16) is the limit of minimum cash balance required by the company policy; (17) holds because an expected price rise in the next period leads the company to decide the ending inventory should be at least the minimum sales expected in the next period; (18) means ending materials must be sufficient for the production of next period; (19) is the payment limits: all income taxes payable and dividends must be paid by the end of current period.And because we can considers our goal as maximizing net additions to retained earnings, we have substitute the K’s with figures of balance sheet, which is showed below, we can calculate the X’s As we learned before, a dual evaluator indicates the change in net addition to retained earnings if the constraints corresponding to the given evaluator were relaxed by one dollar. For example, the dual evaluator of (7) is $3. 594936. This means that if production capacity ere increased in case that exactly one additional dollar’s raw material is used, the retain earnings will increase $3. 94936. To see this case in detail, table 5 shows what happens after altering the firm’s raw material processing capacity by one unit. Additional cash can be obtained in 3 ways: a) selling securities; b) borrow from a bank; c) delay payment on account payable. But the cheapest way is a). Thus we can calculate the opportunity cost per dollar by: the firm loses interest income of $0. 00229 of every dollar of securities sold while savings from taxes and dividends can relieve this loss, calculate the periodic loss, it is $0. 00104424. Evaluate this loss from an aspect of infinite periods:Apply this to the last step of deductio n, we get $3. 594936, again. Our former inference is thus confirmed. Not only from the mathematical aspect but also from the accounting aspect. In this case, linear programming offers a highly flexible instrument. As in the case, â€Å"all sensitivity changes within any specific part of the model are evaluated in terms of their effect on the entire model. †It is also highlighted, as we mentioned above, this kind of evaluation can be done without actually solving the entire problem. Thus this method is not only reasonable but also convenient.Linear Programming in Economics So far we have seen the application of linear programming in the field of finance and accounting. Now let’s see an interesting example which apply linear programming to economics. A linear program can approximate product substitution effects in demand. In general, the demand function may be written as (1) where p is an N * 1 vector of prices, q is an N * 1 vector of quantities, a is an N x 1 vector o f constants, and B is an N x N negative semidefinite matrix of demand coefficients. And the objective function for the competitive case can be written as maximize 2) where c(q) is an N * 1 vector of total cost functions, q >= 0, AND Substitute (1) into (2) We have the new objective function Maximize (3) In economics, we know that the total welfare of transactions can be separated into two parts: consumers’ surplus and producers’ profit. In mathematics, these two parts can be written as We also represent the resource scarcity by adding constraints (4) The Kuhn-Tucker conditions, which are necessary (but not su? cient) for a point to be a maximum are: Thus the Kuhn-Tucker necessary conditions for the original problem are equation (4) plusFor monopoly market, the object function is a little different, it is to Maximize (5) while the Kuhn-Tucker necessary conditions are equation (4) plus From the competitive market objective function (3) and the monopoly market objective f unction (5), we can see that both involve a quadratic form in p. In order to set up the LP tableau, define a function representing the area under the demand curve as (6) And the total expenditure function as (7) Then we can derive the following figure for (6) and (7): The representation of the piecewise linear approximation in LP is shown for the two-good, separable-demands case, in table 1. here costs for the ith product in the jth activity producing it are represented by cij; unit outputs of the ith product in the jth activity producing it are given by yij; The quantities sold of the ith product corresponding to the endpoint of the jth segment are defined as qj; Values of W for the ith commodity corresponding to the amount sold, qj, are given by wij; Values of R for the ith commodity corresponding to the amount sold, qj, are represented by rij; The target level of producer's income is denoted by Y*.Note that the LP problem has its certain properties. In table 1, no more than two a djacent activities from the set of selling will enter the optimal basis at positive levels. And also, by use of the function R in the constraint set, the model includes a measure of income at endogenous prices. The article then looks into a more complicated case where there exists substitution of demands. That is, one good’s demand can be substituted by the other one’s.An assumption, as the basis of the approximation procedure developed for this situation, is that commodities can be classified into groups, which allow the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) to be zero between all groups but nonzero and constant within each group. Then consider a group consisting of C commodities. We can create table 3 for the situation: The authors pointed out that â€Å"each of the blocks of activities [W's R's -Q's 1] constitutes a set of ‘mixing’ activities for one segment of the composite demand function for the commodity group†. i. e. [W's R's -Q's 1]T=Relative prices of commodities in the group are assumed fixed, both within and between segments, and are defined by Also define the quantity index as and price index as where Then we create table 4, which is a simple extension of the single product case. Only the selling activities are shown. in which The price-weighted total quantity is (8) To extend the case of demand in fixed proportions within a group, define matrix A as The elements in matrix Q can now be calculated as (9) substitute (8) into (9), we have The price-weighted total quantity, q*sm, is given by so (9) is equal to hen calculate the elements of W and S Now we are able to calculate the MRS By rearranging we get MRS=-p2/p1, the required result. An Expansion The use of linear programming in the field of economics was continued in the paper â€Å"Endogenous Input Prices in Linear Programming Models†. In this paper, the author provides a method for formulating linear programming models in which one or more factors have upw ard sloping supply schedules, and the prices are endogenous. Instead of examining the demand function, Hazell starts from the function of the producers, whose goal is to maximize their profit here x is a vector of output levels; p and c are vectors of market prices and direct costs, respectively; d is a vector of labor requirements; L is the amount of labor employed at wage w. Now if the buyer of labor is monopoly, or the market is a monopsolistic market,due to economic definition we’ll have Then the problem becomes Again we use Kuhn-Tucker conditions to solve for the optimal solution. L;0, so we have = w+? L Thus, given the optimal amount of labor used (L*), the associated market-clearing wage is w* = a + PL*, and this is smaller than ? by PL*.This is correct by intuition and empirical evidence. Similarly, if the situation is competitive market , we can derive? =w, which is quite different from the former case. Using the method of Duloy and Norton, Hazell calculate the suppl y curve of labor, which is actually a stepped function, showed as below: Hazell pointed out that â€Å"stepped supply functions arise artificially from using linearization techniques, but they also arise in reality when different sources of labor are identifiable which can be expected to enter the labor market as the wage reaches critical levels. And then he also mentioned another way to find out the supply function of labor. This article is a development and application of the former article. The method for achieving these results utilizes the sum of the producers' and consumers' surplus, and is an extension of existing methods for solving price endogenous models of product markets. Linear Programming in Daily Investing Linear programming is such a useful tool that we can find its advantages in finance, accounting and also economics. But what about in our daily life?How can linear programming help when we make decisions about our own investing, say, our own financial portfolios in various stocks? In 2004, C. Papahristodoulou and E. DotzauerSource wrote an article about these questions, named â€Å"Optimal Portfolios Using Linear Programming Models†. This paper is about three models: The classical quadratic programming (QP) formulation and two new ones  (i) maximin, and (ii) minimization of mean absolute deviation. The first model is to s. t. where i and j are securities; ?ij is the covariance of these securities; xj is the portfolio allocation of security j.These are the variables of the problem and should not exceed an upper bound uj; ? is the minimum (expected) return required by a particular investor; and B is the total budget that is invested in portfolio. The second model is established so the minimum return is maximized. Regarding the constraints, one might assume that every period's return will be at least equal to Z. For period t, this constraint can be formulated as: where rjt, is the return for security j over period t. The third mod el simplifies the Markowitz classic formulation is to use the absolute deviation as a risk measure.It is proved by Konno and Yamazak that â€Å"if the return is multivariate normally distributed, the minimization of the mean absolute deviation (MAD) provides similar results as the classical Markowitz formulation†. And as is known, MAD is defined as We define first all Yt >0 variables,t = 1, †¦ ,T. These Yt variables can be interpreted as linear mappings of the non-linear Thus, the objective function is to minimize the average absolute deviation and the constraints added are Then the author tested all three models, using monthly returns from 67 shares traded in the Stockholm Stock Exchange (SSE), between January 1997 and December 2000.As expected, the maximin formulation yields the highest return and risk, while the QP formulation provides the lowest risk and return, which also creates the efficient frontier. The minimization of MAD is close to Markowitz. The results are as follows: All three formulations though, outperform the top equity fund portfolios in Sweden. They also conclude, â€Å"When the expected returns are confronted with the true ones at the end of a 6-month period, the maximin portfolios seem to be the most robust of all. †Conclusion We have seen the crucial importance of linear programming to finance, accounting, economics and also our daily life.It turns difficult problems into easier ones. By using this mathematic way of solving problem, we can achieve more intelligent choices while wasting less. The study of linear programming is so useful that in the future, it will hopefully find more use in the world of economics and management. References â€Å"Application of Linear Programming to Financial Budgeting and the Costing of Funds†, A. Chares, W. W. Coopers, and M. H. Millerss, The Journal of Business, Vol. 32, No. 1, Jan. , 1959 (pp. 20-46) â€Å"A Linear Programming Model for Budgeting and Financial Planning†, Y. Ijiri, F. K. Levy, and R. C.Lyon, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, Autumn, 1963, (pp. 198-212) â€Å"Prices and Incomes in Linear Programming Models†, John H. Duloy and Roger D. Norton, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 57, No. 4, Nov. , 1975 (pp. 591-600) â€Å"Endogenous Input Prices in Linear Programming Models†, Peter B. R. Hazell, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 61, No. 3, Aug. , 1979 (pp. 476-481) â€Å"Optimal Portfolios Using Linear Programming Models†, C. Papahristodoulou and E. Dotzauer, The Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 55, No. 11, Nov. , 2004 (pp. 1169-1177)
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