Tuesday, December 24, 2019
How an organization is structured is becoming more and more important in today’s business world. The structure of the organization is one of the important factors that determine employees’ efficiency in performing their tasks. This paper will concentrate on how organizational structure affects the efficiency of work done by employees’. Six key elements of an organizational structure will be followed by three common organizational structures. Efficiency of employees will be brought about relating to the above mentioned. â€Å"An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated†(Robbins, Judge and Campbell, 2010, p.429). Efficiency means, â€Å"When someone or something uses time and energy well,†¦show more content†¦The second key element departmentalisation is congregating employees doing similar tasks. It takes place depending on; the functions performed, products produced, geographic areas the organisation deals with, processes done in organisations and type of customers the organization concentrates on. Departmentalisation by functions performed depends on the organisation’s activities. For instance, if we look at MIFCO (Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company), they will have a department for production, accounting, sales and marketing. Procter Gamble is departmentalised by the products produced. â€Å"Each major product – such as Tide, Pampers, Charmin and Pringles – is placed under the authority of an executive who has complete global responsibility for that product†(Robbins, Judge and Campbell, 2010, p.431). This increases the efficiency of employees as well as managers because, everything related to certain products are handled by that particular department responsible for it. Organisations doing international selling activities use departmentalisation by geography. For instance, sales department may be sub divided based on the countries the organisations have business transactions with. Due to this, employees in sales department presents efficiency in doing their work since, they are only responsible to deal with one particular country (geographic are). Process departmentalisation takes place in two forms; processing customers
Monday, December 16, 2019
Unanswered Concerns on Good Essay Topics for the Crucible
Unanswered Concerns on Good Essay Topics for the Crucible A Secret Weapon for Good Essay Topics for the Crucible If you've always experienced difficulties with such an assignment or couldn't find relevant data to supply solid arguments, our experts are at your services. They're experts in various academic disciplines and skilled writers at the identical moment. Use the assistance of true academic experts and receive the service you have earned! Tell our experts what sort of homework help on the internet you want to get. Good rating and very good reviews should tell you whatever you will need to understand about this excellent writing service. If it's the first time you're likely to use our article writing service, you most likely have a lot of questions. The majority of the times, you will have the option of picking the topics that you've discussed in your class. In fact, the majority of us will never come face to face with this decision. Actually, a seasoned writer can do the job much faster than any student as they've been writing academic assignments during their entire life. You are unable to command Mr. Parris. It takes an extremely intriguing spin on the true Salem Witch trials that happened in Massachusetts Bay Colony during the calendar year 1692. That said the Crucible is an extremely intriguing play. Vocabulary study guide has a peek at the crucible. It isn't enough to read a brief edition, if you wish to read a very good evaluative essay. So in case you have an essay assigned that you require help with, you can purchase essay online cheap from us. The essay isn't the simplest task to master. Who knew essay writing might be so tough. Whether you must make a paper of one-of-a-kind flawlessness, just get an essay here and our writers will provide help. Our writers provide the very best writing services and can help you compose a productive essay. To begin writing an excellent rhetorical analysis essay, the first thing springs to mind is the rhetorical analysis essay topic ideas. The last step you ought to take is to compose the conclusion paragraph for the Crucible essay. We will help you with any sort of essay you've got and compose a fantastic paper which will bring you a high grade. It is a great concept to locate a five-paragraph essay template to find a general comprehension of a winning paper structure. As soon as you inform us about all of the paper information, we'll begin searching for a proper writer for your paper. Completely free Arthur Miller Crucible essay samples are offered on FreeEssayHelp with no payment or registration. Somebody works part-time and doesn't have sufficient time to do all of the assignments. Therefore do not lose out on this good prospect. Write about the kind of government in Salem. Hence, it's not important in any respect. The characters would like to be viewed as good by the full village. Several characters base their actions on the urge to safeguard their respective reputations. A History of Good Essay Topic s for the Crucible Refuted Don't neglect this rule, otherwise the reader would think that you're not fully conscious of the topic you're writing about. To begin writing your assignment you would want to encounter an interesting and promising topic. Quite frequently the situation is erroneous, and only analogies are normally risky. Read the rules and strategies for writing. Make certain you have from three to five strong arguments to back up your thesis. If you discover that the writer did not provide just what you expected, request a revision, and we'll make the corrections. Together with the topics, you'd come across loads of papers at no cost. You must be proficient in the topic, have an overall idea about the chosen issue and figure out how to get the best arguments to show your thesis. As an example, The Crucible actually meant to be a satire of the anti-Soviet feeling that ran rampant throughout the nation. It is simple to see why a catastrophe like the Salem witch trials occurred. The town is religiously and morally based so you're either classified below a believer or a person who believes in evil. The other girls all join in so the blame won't be placed on them. There's chaos in the town after the folks there learn that there may be witches that inhabited the village. There were four ministers between the time frame of when the meeting house was constructed and the conclusion of the witch trials.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Worldview and Privilege
Question: Write an Essay about theWorldview and Privilege. Answer: Introduction The indigenous Australia was quite different from todays Australia. The country always possessed an amalgamation of different cultures and people. Prior to colonization in 1788, Australia had a population of 750000 people, but today only 2% among them are Indigenous Australians (Tomyn, Norrish and Cummins 2013).The essay discusses about the sustainable and harmonious nature of Aboriginal people before colonization, the ways different perspectives of land use to the settlers and Aboriginals led to the conflict and the racial superiority of the settlers to the indigenous people in context to the film The Secret River (youtube.com 2016). Prior to colonization, the Aboriginal people shared a harmonious and sustainable relationship with the land. The indigenous people used to respect the nature. They believed in sustainable environment. They used to ensure that the animals were not over hunted for the purpose of food and took care of the plants such that over cutting and collecting were not done. This ensured that the sustainability and harmony of the nature and land was maintained well. They never believed in over exploitation of the environment and never wasted food, hence they used to hunt and collect as much food as required to feed their people. This attitude clearly indicated that they believed in sustainable environment, where over exploitation was not practised rather they ensured that the food was always available for other people whenever they needed. The men used to hunt larger animals like turtles, kangaroos or emus. The women and children used to hunt smaller ones and collected fruits, berries and other su ch edibles. The coastal people used to catch fish and collected selfish, oysters and mussels. The indigenous people stayed at a particular area due to variations in seasonal vegetations. They never hunted animals in large numbers from a particular area to ensure that the food sources were available for the next time. They used to make baskets, tools, weapons and clothes with the various parts of animals and plants that were non-edible (MacDonald and Steenbeek 2015). There were fundamental differences in the attitudes of settlers and Aboriginal people towards land use and ownership. This led to violent conflicts between them. The meaning and significance of land were quite different for Aboriginals and settlers. The indigenous people were strongly connected to their land in terms of physical, social and cultural aspects. The management and care of land were a vital part of their life. The land was an important and indispensable part of their heritage, culture and dominion. They considered that the wellbeing of land and water surrounding them were the central parts of their culture. They believed that land was their mother and had a great influence on their culture. They felt a sense of responsibility for the maintenance and care of their very own land (Markwick et al. 2015). The settlers had a different interpretation of land use and their attitude towards land was a way different from the indigenous aboriginals. According to the settlers, the la nd was a commodity that they owned, something that could be purchased and sold. The land was thought to be a profit making asset by the settlers. They also considered that land was something that could help them build their houses where they could live easily. The British people thought that the land was intended for farming, agriculture and development. In the western society, owning a land, house, boat or other such materialistic entities were a symbol of social status. It meant possession, dominance, power and prosperity (Smith 2012). There were three rules that were laid in 1700 century by which Britain could legally own and possess another country (McLaughlin and Whatman 2015). However, none of the rules were followed by Britain. Terra nullius was declared which meant that land belonged to no one. Hence, the settlers justified their possession on the land which they invaded illegally despite the presence of the Aboriginals. The concept of land and its use were different to the indigenous people and the white settlers. Britain could not witness any development of the land and did not put an effort towards the Aboriginals understanding for land. Therefore, sovereign ownership of Australia was declared by Britain d (Markwick et al. 2015).This is where the tension of the film The Secret River lied and eventually this underpinned the 250 years old history of Australia. The sense of possession and ownership was prominent in Thornhills statement that Hawkesbury was his owned land and that the Aboriginals could take the rest of it whereas in reality the land was the Aboriginals own place, they took care of the river and land there as evident from Yalamunndis version in the film (youtube.com 2016). William Thornhill and other white settlers had a feeling of racial superiority over the Aboriginal people. It was evident from the film The Secret River, where Aboriginals were called by names like blacks and considered as savages who could be bought with trinkets. Aboriginalsdid not adopt the conventional British Practices of fencing or establishing their farming lands. The settlers thought Aboriginals believed in primitive culture and hence were regarded inferior to them. This is evident from the action of Thornhill when he planted corn crop on the top of the Yams cultivated by The Aboriginals. He considered the yams as a worthless form of radish or potato (www.insightpublications.com.au 2016). The white settlers feel superior to the Aboriginal people because of the Immigration Restriction Act190 (Markus 1979).It led to the universal acceptance of Australian society to be a society of whites predominantly. The white settlers had racist beliefs for the Aboriginals. They were made to work at goldfields, sugarcane plantations and deep sea diving. The feeling of superiority was also spread through the various literatures that were read by children at the schools. In 1901, when Australian Federations came into being, the Aboriginals were still not considered as citizens of Australia. They neither had the ownership of lands or houses nor had the voting rights. Hence, the whites believed that they were superior to the Aboriginals with context to the power and privilege they received. The Aboriginals had a harmonious and sustainable relationship with the environment. They had strong association with land and nature, being an important part of their culture. The colonization affected the culture and lives of the indigenous people. The white settlers considered them superior to the Aboriginals. Racial discrimination prevailed among the whites. The Aboriginals were called by names and disrespected. They were even killed mercilessly by the white settlers like Thornhill who killed the dharug people as depicted in the film. References: MacDonald, C. and Steenbeek, A., 2015. The Impact of Colonization and Western Assimilation on Health and Wellbeing of Canadian Aboriginal People.International Journal of Regional and Local History,10(1). Markus, A., 1979.Fear and hatred: purifying Australia and California, 1850-1901. Hale Iremonger. Markwick, A., Ansari, Z., Sullivan, M. and McNeil, J., 2015. Social determinants and psychological distress among Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander adults in the Australian state of Victoria: A cross-sectional population based study.Social Science Medicine,128. McLaughlin, J. and Whatman, S., 2015. Beyond social justice agendas: Indigenous knowledges in preservice teacher education and practice in Australia.International perspectives on race (and racism): Historical and contemporary considerations in education and society. Smith, A., 2012. Indigeneity, settler colonialism, white supremacy.Racial formation in the twenty-first century. Tomyn, A.J., Norrish, J.M. and Cummins, R.A., 2013. The subjective wellbeing of indigenous Australian adolescents: validating the personal wellbeing index-school children.Social Indicators Research,110(3). www.insightpublications. com.au, 2016. The Secret River an Insight text guide by Anica Boulanger-Mashberg. [online] Available at: https://insightpublications. com.au [Accessed 9 Oct. 2016] www.youtube.com, 2016. Available at: https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDepKiFIt5A [Accessed 9 Oct. 2016]
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Infrared and Ultraviolet Light Essay Example
Infrared and Ultraviolet Light Paper Name: Tutor: Course: Date: We will write a custom essay sample on Infrared and Ultraviolet Light specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Infrared and Ultraviolet Light specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Infrared and Ultraviolet Light specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Infrared and Ultraviolet Light Infrared Light Infrared light is a form of electromagnetic radiation whose wavelengths are longer compared to visible light. The electromagnetic spectrum exhibits a vast range of wavelengths spanning from highly energetic gamma rays and short wavelengths to low-energy radio waves and long wavelengths. The visibility of this spectrum is extremely small. Infrared light is similar to normal light only that it has a longer wavelength thus making it impossible to see with the naked eye (White 42). The range of infrared wavelengths corresponds to an approximate frequency range of 430 THz to 300GHz. It also includes the thermal radiation given off by objects at room temperature. Infrared light is absorbed or emitted by molecules whenever they alter their vibrational-rotational movements. William Herschel discovered infrared radiation in the year 1800. He was performing a study on the heating effect of different light colors. The different colors of light were produced by a passing normal light through a prism. In his study, Herschel noted that the strength of the heat increased as he progressed from the blue end to the red end of the spectrum. He presented his results in London and called the red light ‘Calorific rays’. The term ‘infrared’ was adopted later in the 19th century (Read 32). Primarily, infrared is divided into three distinct spectrums. These include far infrared, mid infrared and near infrared. The division of infrared light on this basis depends on the wavelength. However, these divisions are not precise since they vary depending on the publisher. These divisions are used to observe temperature ranges in environments such as space. They are justified by the different responses humans have on radiation. In this case, near infrared exhibits radiation with the closest wavelength. This makes it visible to the human eye. Far and mid infrared categories, lie further away from the visual spectrum. Unfortunately, there are no international standards for such specifications. The boundary separating infrared light from visible light is not defined clearly. The sensitivity of the human eye is not designed to detect light with a wavelength above 700nm (White 64). Therefore, light with longer wavelengths does not make significant contributions to scenarios illuminat ed by common sources of light. Since its discovery, infrared light has proven useful in a number of fields. For example, infrared is used to facilitate night vision. Night vision devices function by converting ambient light photons into visible light. Additionally, infrared light can also be used in determining the temperature of objects through a process known as thermography. Thermography is mainly applied in industrial and military applications (Read 64). However, this technology is making its way into the public through infrared cameras, due to the reduced cost of productions. Since all objects emit infrared radiation based on their temperatures, thermography is used to have a clear picture of the environment regardless of whether there is visible illumination or not. Infrared homing or infrared tracking refers to a missile guiding system that tracks a target using its electromagnetic spectrum. Missiles that use this infrared technology are coined the term ‘heat seekers’. Many objects such as vehicle engines, aircrafts and people produce and retain heat. This heat can then be tracked using infrared technology. Additionally, infrared radiation can be used as a source of heat. One advantage of this is that the technology is used to create infrared saunas used to treat chronic health illnesses such as arthritis, congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. This technology is also used to thaw ice on aircraft wings. Infrared radiation is also becoming popular in safe heating therapy for physiotherapy and natural health. Additionally, heat from infrared radiation can be used in cooking. Primarily, infrared heaters include three parts, a heat exchanger, infrared bulbs, and a fan for blowing air into the exchanger for heat dispersion. Indeed, the discovery of infrared radiation has led to significant breakthroughs that have benefited humanity. However, this form of electromagnetic radiation has several disadvantages. For example, when this radiation is used in certain settings such as high heat industrial locations, it becomes a health hazard to the user’s eyes thus causing damage or blindness. Another disadvantage is that it has short-range transmission compared to other forms of transmission. Other than having short-range transmission, the transmission of infrared radiation is slow compared to wired transmission. Furthermore, all infrared signals can be interrupted by foreign materials when they are in the path of the transmission. Such materials may include people and walls. Ultraviolet Light Ultraviolet light or UV light is a form of electromagnetic radiation with a short wavelength compared to visible light. However, its wavelength is longer than that of X-rays. Similar to infrared light, ultraviolet light cannot be detected by the human eye due to its long wavelength. Blunt (18) argues that this form of radiation bears increased energy compared to visible light. It is capable of breaking bonds between molecules and atoms and altering the chemical composition of materials. UV light can also cause fluorescence in certain substances. This means that it causes certain materials to emit visible light. UV light, present in sunlight, is beneficial since it kills microorganisms and acts as a source of vitamin D. Even though UV light is not visible, we are aware of it through certain effects such as sunburn or suntan. With the sun acting as a major source of UV light, the ozone layer plays a vital role in blocking most of this light (97%) that would otherwise prove harmful to organisms if it gained access into the atmosphere (Blunt 37). The 3% that penetrates the atmosphere is not particularly harmful, although it can cause cancer and long-term damage to the skin. Primarily, the sun is a source of all categories of UV light such as UV-A and UV-B. The discovery of this radiation is associated with the phenomenon that silver salts become dark when exposed to light. Johann Ritter in 1801 observed that invisible light, after the violet end of visible light, darkened paper soaked in silver chloride. Initially, he named these rays â€Å"oxidizing rays†to differentiate them from heat rays (infrared) discovered in the previous year and to emphasize chemical reactivity. The terms â€Å"heat rays†and â€Å"chemical rays†were used to describe these rays throughout the nineteenth century, but they were later dropped for infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation respectively (Read 32). UV light, UV-B in particular, benefits humans by allowing the manufacture of vitamin D. This is achieved by the conversion of skin chemicals into the sub-form of the vitamin, and then into the vitamin itself. This vitamin is beneficial to human health. Lack of this vitamin leads to immunity disorders, various cancers, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases (Blunt 76). Severe lack of this vitamin causes bone diseases referred to as rickets. Inadequate supply of sunlight is the prime cause of the vitamin’s deficiency. UV light is also used in the technology of fluorescent lamps that apply the fluorescence phenomenon (Read 81). Most fluorescent lamps use UV light as their energy source to ionize mercury vapor. A special fluorescent coating absorbs this ionized vapor to produce visible light. Zoologists and biologists use ultraviolet light to take night surveys on organisms in the field. UV light is also used as insect traps. Since insects are naturally attracted to UV light, entomologists use it to attract them for studies. UV fluorescence is also used in parties and nightclubs by causing clothing to glow and make it appealing. Astronomers also use UV light in mapping galaxies such as the Milky Way. This allows them to make out the evolution of galaxies over time. Primarily, young stars emit more ultraviolet radiation compared to older stars. They also emit UV light at a higher proportion at the furthest end of the spectrum. Regions where new stars are born, therefore, produce a brighter UV glow. Astronomers use this knowledge to identify and map such regions. Despite the numerous benefits UV radiation provides humanity, it also has disadvantages. The ability of UV light to change the chemical composition is harmful. As UV light causes minor skin irritations such as sunburn, radiation that is more energetic, can lead to premature skin aging (Blunt 97). It can also lead to alterations of the DNA that can eventually cause skin cancer. Furthermore, overexposure to ultraviolet light causes the skin to produce a pigment known as melanin. Melanin is harmful to the skin and can lead to cancers such as melanoma. Works Cited Blunt, Katharine. Ultraviolet Light. Chicago, Ill: The University of Chicago press, 2011. Print. Read, F H. Electromagnetic Radiation. Chichester [Eng.: J. Wiley, 2010. Print. White, Laurie. Infrared Radiation. Amherst, N.Y: Amherst Media, 2009. Print.
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