How to write an essay report
Ielts Essay Topics Task 2
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Free Essays on Appearance Vs. Reality
Appearance versus Reality Our general public today rotates for the most part around appearance and how individuals see themselves as well as other people. In Breakfast at Tiffany’s Truman Capote composes an anecdote about a youngster, who from the outside appears to be great. All through the novel Holly Golightly is viewed as both a clever and naã ¯ve character. From all the cosmetics and beautiful garments she wears to the persona she emits to everybody, makes Holly give off an impression of being a balanced person. In any case, in fact Holly is taking cover behind her appearance and doesn’t know who she truly is. The main genuine angle about Holly Golighty is her outside appearance. She is spectacular and has extraordinary magnificence. More often than not â€Å"she wore a thin cool dark dress, dark shoes, a pearl choker†¦ [and] a couple of dim glasses†(p.12). She dressed ordinarily as though she needed to dazzle everybody. Her dim glasses appeared as if to conceal her genuine self from the world. The storyteller â€Å"had never observed her not wearing dim glasses†and when he did, he saw â€Å"they were enormous eyes, somewhat blue, a little green†(p.18). She went about as though she didn’t need anybody to know who the genuine Holly was. At the point when she tossed parties the greater part of the individuals who went to them she didn’t know. In any case, that’s what she needed, she didn’t need dear companions. Indeed, even her feline was only a colleague to her, she didn’t accept that he had a place with her. â€Å"Poor good-f or-nothing without a name. It’s somewhat awkward, his not having a name. Be that as it may, I haven’t any option to give him one: he’ll need to hold up until he has a place with somebody†(p.39). Holly’s appearance to her companions and colleagues were only a plan to shroud the genuine Holly. Be that as it may, in actuality Holly is a scared little youngster despite everything attempting to locate her actual self. Albeit Holly attempts to utilize her appearance to shroud herself, before the finish of the novel its realized that Holly isn’t only her outside appearance. At the end before heading off to the air terminal, she... Free Essays on Appearance Vs. Reality Free Essays on Appearance Vs. Reality Appearance versus Reality Our general public today spins for the most part around appearance and how individuals see themselves as well as other people. In Breakfast at Tiffany’s Truman Capote composes an anecdote about a youngster, who from the outside appears to be great. All through the novel Holly Golightly is viewed as both a clever and naã ¯ve character. From all the cosmetics and beautiful garments she wears to the persona she emits to everybody, makes Holly have all the earmarks of being a balanced person. Be that as it may, in fact Holly is taking cover behind her appearance and doesn’t know who she truly is. The main genuine perspective about Holly Golighty is her outside appearance. She is impressive and has extraordinary excellence. More often than not â€Å"she wore a thin cool dark dress, dark shoes, a pearl choker†¦ [and] a couple of dim glasses†(p.12). She dressed ordinarily as though she needed to dazzle everybody. Her dim glasses appeared as if to conceal her genuine self from the world. The storyteller â€Å"had never observed her not wearing dim glasses†and when he did, he saw â€Å"they were enormous eyes, somewhat blue, a little green†(p.18). She went about as though she didn’t need anybody to know who the genuine Holly was. At the point when she tossed parties the vast majority of the individuals who went to them she didn’t know. However, that’s what she needed, she didn’t need dear companions. Indeed, even her feline was only an associate to her, she didn’t accept that he had a place with her. â€Å"Poor good- for-nothing without a name. It’s somewhat badly arranged, his not having a name. Be that as it may, I haven’t any option to give him one: he’ll need to hold up until he has a place with somebody†(p.39). Holly’s appearance to her companions and colleagues were only a plan to conceal the genuine Holly. Be that as it may, in all actuality Holly is a terrified little youngster despite everything attempting to locate her actual self. Albeit Holly attempts to utilize her appearance to shroud herself, before the finish of the novel its realized that Holly isn’t only her outside appearance. At the end before setting off to the air terminal, she...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Student Motivation and Retention Essays -- Education Mathematics Essay
Understudy Motivation and Retention I chose to compose a large portion of paper about inspiration since inspiration is something that is deficient in a few of my understudies in Junction City. I need to assist understudies with building up the inspiration to learn math as opposed to hearing the terrible disposition they have produced for science. It is so baffling to hear an understudy say that they couldn't care less. Additionally in my paper, I intend to interweave the subject of maintenance. My paper will lean more towards holding understudies in math at the center school level as opposed to school like the articles we read in class. I realize that understudies can not change out of math in the center school, yet they can decide to take numerous math classes in secondary school and pick a significant in school for math. As it were, I need to discover ways for understudies to be keen on math field so they proceed in the math field as far as possible up through school graduation. I have built up a few incredible assoc iations with my understudies and care profoundly about what's in store for them. I will probably have any kind of effect in their life by inspiring them to like math and school so they don't drop out of secondary school. II. Background As I looked into for articles managing inspiration, the most well-known data that I discovered was methodologies for expanding inspiration. A portion of the articles demonstrated genuine investigations where certain methodologies helped the understudy need to learn. The â€Å"Intrigue Model†by Lewkowicz is one technique model that I will expound on. Another article I discovered clarified various sorts of inspiration, which inspiration is the best to have, and factors that impacts the improvement of understudy inspiration. Robert Case composed a paper about an investigation he did in an India secondary school wat... ... Or on the other hand, 1994. Malcolm, Shirley, and Treisman, Uri. â€Å"Calculus Success for All Students.†Calculus for a New Century: A Pump not a Filter, Steen, Lynn (ed.). Numerical Association of America: Washington, DC, 1987. McNeal, Ralph. â€Å"Extracurricular Activities and High School Dropouts.†Sociology of Education v68n1: Jan 1995, 62-80. Renchler, Ron. â€Å"School Leadership and Student Motivation.†ERIC Digest No. 71. ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management: Eugene, OR, 1992. Seymour, Elaine, and Hewitt, Nancy. Looking at Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences. Westview Press: Boulder, CO: 1997. Treisman, Phillip Uri. â€Å"A Study of the Mathematics Performance of Black Students at the University of California, Berkeley.†Mathematicians and Education Reform: Proceedings of the July 6-8. 1988 Workshop, American Mathematical Society: Providence, RI, 1990.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Bens Ninth Semi-Annual QA
Bens Ninth Semi-Annual QA Happy Valentines Day! Answers to questions received through 2PM on 02/14/06 - Shikhar wrote: If i sort of decide to send in a supplementary essay can i do that via email in place of the snail mail? Yes, send it to [emailprotected] Hopefully youve sent it by now, but if not, send it immediately. There are only a few days left before we go into selection. - John wrote: IB appeals to me because of its variety and its coursework requirements. But AP seems to be the American standard. Which one is preferable by MIT? IB is generally equivalent to AP in terms of academic rigor and challenge, as far as we are concerned. - Raghav wrote: I have a question similar to Johns. I do IB and my school doesnt even offer AP courses. Are APs valued higher than IB courses for international students? Please see above. - Am wrote: I was admitted early and definitely plan on going. At what point would you reject me after acceptance because i am not doing very well in two of my classes but well in the rest? Slipping a bit will not cause us to take back our offer of admission, but slipping too much could. These decisions are made on a case-by-case basis by the Dean and the senior staff (i.e. not me) so I cant give you an exact answer, but you should aim to keep your grades at or near the level they were when you were admitted. - Dan wrote: I dont have any of these answers we are not considering the Writing score at this time. Is this statement as literal as it seems? Simply, not considering it? Im so much better at writing than reading/verbal skills. I thought it would make up for a lower CR score but I guess not. There is at least a 100 point difference SAT-wise between my writing and CR scores (practice tests about 710W to 590CR). Having a great Writing score certainly wont hurt you, but unfortunately it will not make up for a lower CR score. That said, remember that test scores in general are only one part of a large application. - Bishanli wrote: I am entering the AMC 12 Contest and hopefully the AIME this year. I am just wondering if these two scores really help my admission or it wouldnt unless I get into USAMO? And if it does help, to what extent and how much do I need to score in order for it to help? A good AIME score will certainly help you. I cant give you an exact number because it depends on how it fits into the overall context of your application, but you should report any AIME scores to us they can never hurt you. - S wrote: What is your sons name? He is soooo cute. =) I adore kids. I hope Miles smiles for the camera soon. Thanks for thinking hes cute! :-) Apologies in advance, but Ive never released the names/details of my kids online too many scary people out there. If you ever visit MIT, stop by and Ill tell you. Bryan should have a new entry up later today with pictures of Miles. (He has less to worry about, because Miles eats everything in his path, including scary people.) - KIM wrote: Do you know the number of kenyans applying to mit this year and their addresses? Im sorry, our privacy policy prevents me from discussing this, but perhaps other Kenyans will leave their email addresses in the comments so that you may contact them (please do not leave postal addresses, as this is a safety risk). - Monique wrote: Is it possible, maybe next year, to have the blogs in the domain, to make it easier for students to search? I would like to do this ultimately, but it will require jumping through a lot of internal hoops. In an effort to get the blogs up and running as quickly as possible with maximum flexibility, we made the decision to locate them outside of MITs primary domain. Down the road this will likely change. - J P wrote: Tests, Activities, and Essay Form Part 2 of the two-part application for freshman admission should be returned as soon as possible, but postmarked no later than November 1 for Early Action and January 1 for Regular Action. One long and two short essays are required. Huh. Are these the requirements for 2007? The essay requirement for 06 were either essay a or essay b, or did I miss anything? Im a bit confused by your question. Last year, this year, and next year, the requirement is two short answer questions, one longer essay (with 2 choices of topic a or b) and a variety of optional essays. - Swissinsenegal wrote: Hi, i plan to apply next year. The thing is that i am in the french system and i dont know if i am good or not. Everybody says that the american system is much easier than the french one. Ive got between 16.5/20 and 17/20 of average (18/20 or more for sciences). Im not as passionate as you can often see in movies but im a steady person. Im not a guy working hours but Im bright. What are my chances? Unfortunately I cant answer chances questions on an individual basis. All I can say is this: if you dont apply, your chances are zero! :-) (So you should apply.) - Anonymous wrote: My EPGY class is to be finished by the end of february, and I was hoping to finish it a couple of weeks before that. Should I just send the transcript now (which will indicate incomplete for the EPGY course, which would otherwise have been Pass or Fail b/c it is a transfer course) and send an email to the admissions office telling them that the course will end in a couple of weeks time? Yes, that is fine. You can fax it to us if you havent already sent it. - Anonymous wrote: The guidance counselor (or college counselor) reports go a long way in this. First, the counselors will attach the official school profile which gives us a bunch of info (courses offered, range of grades, colleges attended by previous graduating classes, average test scores, a description of the schools location and local resources, etc.) Then the GC will usually write a long report that puts a given student into context, within his/her school community. The teacher evaluations definitely add to this as well. If after reading all of this we still feel like we need more info, well call the schools counseling department directly. What if my GC did not do any of these? He just sent a brochure about the school? I should have been more clear in answering that, and I apologize. Not all GCs send reports. Sometimes (frequently, actually) we get our context more from the teacher evaluations and/or the interview report. If we ever feel like we need more clarity on an applicant, we will contact the school, dont worry. - Sam wrote: Hi Ben, do you know how much it will hurt me if I have a really bad grade (Sorry, I know this has been answered before, but I think I have an extreme case) in which I got 2 Ds from a summer class before freshman year due to family matters? However, I have been consistently getting As and only 1 B everafter. So without counting the Ds I probably will have a 3.9+ GPA unweighted. Do you think this will significantly impact the admission process? If the Ds were from summer classes before you entered high school, I would think you could have them removed from your transcript, no? In any case, were not going to care terribly much about grades received before freshman year, especially if everything after that is strong. - Anonymous wrote: Does MIT require a certain second semester GPA for acceptances to not be revoked, or is it more of a play it by ear situation? Please see my answer to a similar question up above. - Merudh wrote: i was just wondering, is there any chance that you will see my application if mine was deferred? As applications circulate through so many subcommittees in selection before a final decision is rendered, it is more likely than not that I will encounter any given application in the pool in committee. - Shaun wrote: I know youre probably sick of people ranting on and on about standardized tests, but I cant seem to put my mind to rest. I took the sat twice and the act once. For the two sats i got a dismal 1970 first and a lower score thereafter. On the act, however, I got a 32 (yay!). Now, I know you do sat-act conversions; I was just wondering if the sat scores would still hurt my chances, or if you would convert the 32 over and thats that (I honestly cannot stand that sat). We will only look at your ACT, do not worry. We always use only the information that (a) satisfies the requirements and (b) puts the applicant into the best light. As we ask for only the ACT or the SATI, your lower SATI scores will be ignored. - Jon wrote: Supposing that the worst happens and youre pretty much a fringe candidate. you could be admitted based on other applicants, but also youre not the best in the incoming class. how much does the midyear report count? Considering it IS a math and science school, i got an 80 on an ap physics mid-term (i dont believe the report mentions it was one of the highest grades in the class, but you can see why that sort of makes me mad). would it open their eyes to an 80, changing any decisions they might make? keep in mind it took our teacher 2 hours to make the key, we had an hour and a half, not that thats anything to keep in mind, but i guess i just enjoy ranting on your site. thanks for listening, hahaha. I do understand why that would make you mad, but in my experience, an 80 on one exam likely wouldnt make or break an application to MIT. - Christina wrote: I go to an extremely competitive public school in New Jersey that ranks its students. It is interesting because the students from #1 to #30 are academically all at about the same level. However, they are placed with a number and ranked according to a few decimal points. Does MIT take class rank into huge consideration? Often times these ranks differ because of one two-hour midterm exam. When reading a folder, I look at GPA and classes taken before I look at class rank. If I see that you have a stellar GPA in really hard classes and youre still ranked #30, its going to be pretty obvious whats going on. No worries. :-) - Anonymous wrote: I sent an update package on Friday 2/3 with some important application updates, such as my Intel Semifinalist notification. Will it reach MIT in time to affect my decision? Yes. - Anonymous wrote: I just recently found out that my college counselor has yet to send my Mid-Year report. Is it ok if he faxes the Mid-Year this week? Absolutely. - Nabeel wrote: I had a couple of questions. Firstly have you started going through international applications, and about how many apply to MIT from Pakistan. Secondly will internationals also receive their acceptances in tubes? We have not yet begun reading international applications. The RA tubes question is discussed further down. - Edward wrote: When will you guys be through with the admission decisions? How many individual applications have you (personally) read so far? How many more do you expect to read? Is it already too late to send anything that MyMIT is saying is missing? (I could not send it earlier.) We will be finished making all admissions decisions in mid-March. (Nothing is final until the letters are mailed.) Im honestly not sure how many apps Ive read; the numbers come out at the end of the process. (Additional materials question is discussed at the end.) - Many, many students commented or sent me email about online decision notification. I decided to cover the topic in a previous entry. - Many people have asked if RA admits will receive tubes. Unfortunately the answer is no. RA admits will receive a huge packet of materials that cannot fit into a tube. This material is not ready in time to send to the EA admits, so we created the Tube Project so that they would have something more celebratory than a simple letter to open. - TC wrote: I found out today that a couple of teachers and a neighbor, upon finding out that my app had been deferred, had taken it upon themselves to send letters to you about me. And I submitted addl matl. So now you have a pile of extra stuff about me. So sorry! How do you get through it all? Or do you just say, after reading 3 extra pages, Enough! and toss the rest? Assuming its good material that adds additional context or perspective to your case, we wont be annoyed. :-) - Sly, Eliot, and Edward all had questions about additional materials and related deadlines. You are always welcome to send in additional materials, but at this point Im not sure if they will make it to committee in time.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
U.S. Drone Attacks and Pakistan State Sovereignty
U.S. Drone Attacks and Pakistan State Sovereignty According to Sean D. Murphy, U.S. anti-terrorist operations in Pakistan so far have taken the forms of drone strikes, â€Å"hot pursuits†into Pakistani territory in immediate response to raids from within Pakistan, and secret missions by special operations forces, such as the CIA, against militant targets located deeper in Pakistan . The numbers of incidents involving â€Å"hot pursuits†of the militant hideouts inside the Pakistani territory have been very few, so they have not attracted as much attention as other operations. There has only been one real recognized covert mission in Pakistan, which took place on September 3, 2008 in South Waziristan , an area under the control of the Taliban. This was the US’ first ground-based battle against the Taliban within Pakistani borders. This caused the death of many civilians and no â€Å"high-value†terrorist target. The Pakistani government strongly criticized this act and passed a resolution demanding Am erican cooperation on covert operations, so the US did refrain from repeating such a mission; however, the American strikes using Unmanned Areal Vehicles, known as drones, have been going on since 2004 and have only increased since then under the Obama Administration. The cross-border attacks, especially the drone attacks, by the Afghanistan-based American forces in the Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) of the northwestern Pakistan are meant to destroy or weaken the harbors of theShow MoreRelatedUav Use And Its Impact On The 21st Century1532 Words  | 7 PagesUnited States Navy during World War 1, whom remotely controlled unmanned cruise missiles that decimated their targets. The development of cruise missiles continued throughout World War 2 and beyond. In 1973, the first reconnaissance UAVs, the TU-143s, were manufactured in the Soviet Union and used by Syria, the Ukraine, Czech Republic, Iraq, Romania, and Slovakia ( The United States developed drones throughout the 1980s, but didn’t use them until after the 9-11 attacks, whenRead MoreAn Interview With An Associate Professor Of Homeland Security At Embry Riddle Aeronautical University ( Erau )2498 Words  | 10 PagesDrones already carry a negative , political connotation. The breaches in sovereignty are a major political issue for involved countries. Yemen, Afghanistan, and Pakistan are examples of the United States’ willingness to conduct military strikes without the consent of the governing body within the country. Furthermore, targeted killings are essentially a means for assassinations, which were prohibited under the Reagan administration. However, this fact is abated, as the killing of Anwar Al-AwlakiRead MoreDrone Strikes and Their Effectiveness Essay2667 Words  | 11 PagesINTERNATIONAL RELATIONS DRONE STRIKES AND THEIR EFFECTIVENESS Table of Contents: †¢ Introduction ïÆ' ¼ Question ïÆ' ¼ Hypothesis ïÆ' ¼ Drones: An Introduction ïÆ' ¼ Literature Review †¢ Body ïÆ' ¼ Main Body ïÆ' ¼ Drones: The Success ïÆ' ¼ International Perspective ïÆ' ¼ National Perspective †¢ Conclusion â€Æ' Introduction The drones all slave away, theyre working overtime. They serve a faceless queen, they never question why. Disciples of a God, they neither live nor breathe. Drones are an effective counterRead MoreThe Use Of Incident Reporting Systems, Inspections And Auditing1568 Words  | 7 Pagesmitigate them. Drone strikes have made the United States safer by decimating terrorist networks across the world. Drone strikes have killed more than 3,500 militants in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Yemen, including dozens of high-level commanders in al Qaeda, who plots against the United States. Indeed, a lot of plots have been disrupted by drones that would have targeted the U.S. troops in Afghanistan, the international aviation and U.S. transit authority in New York. Although drone strikes have killedRead MoreA Report On Drone Strikes2392 Words  | 10 Pagesthe paradoxes of casualties, irony of errors, USA’s response to victims, who is accountable for attacks, advantages and disadvantages of drone attacks.] 4.1 Persistence of Civilian Casualties in Military Operations by US officials T hough the actual number of civilian causalities was always high, yet, according to US officials, drone strikes have caused relatively few civilian deaths, and sometimes drones caused no harm at all. Luckily, there were some leaks in the media regarding the causalities.Read MoreDrones Go Bang Bang2396 Words  | 10 PagesDrones go bang bang Over the past ten years, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly known as, â€Å"drones†created by the United States government, has increased rampantly in capacity, position, and prevalence. From September 2001 to April 2012, U.S. military forces amplified their drone inventory from 50 to 7500; of these drones around five percent can be equipped with lethal force. Thus far, regardless of the extraordinary growth of its fleet and assignments, the U.S. government has notRead MoreAfter The Terrorist Attacks On September 11, 2001, The1876 Words  | 8 Pagesterrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the United States has engaged in the global war against terrorism. One of the ways that the United States has engaged in this war is through drone strikes. Drones, otherwise less commonly known as UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or RPAs (Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems) are the subject of debate all around the globe. They were pioneered by former president George W. Bush and became more popular by the use of former president Barack Obama. Drone strikes areRead MorePolitics : Us, Realism, And Terrorism3539 Words  | 15 PagesUS, Realism, Terrorism To what extent has the United States’ structural realism (Neorealist) approach to terrorism jeopardized its status as a democratic nation? Shehryar Malik â€Æ' Abstract â€Æ' Introduction Post September 11, 2001, the world politics has shifted dramatically. Primarily, the target of the world powers has been to eliminate the terrorist threat to the stability and the infrastructure of the world. United State of America (US) has been at the forefront of the fight againstRead MoreThe Threat of the Haqqani Network2010 Words  | 9 Pageshave arisen in abundance throughout the world. These organizations do not only wreak havoc in their own region, but they proceed to terrorize the lives of civilians and political figures in foreign nations as well. An organization that the United States could consider a terroristic threat may not be considered a threat to another nation; this international dilemma generally correlates with the nation in questions definition of terrorism, based off of the social context and the social construct (theRead MoreDrone Program Research Paper4283 Words  | 18 Pagesunmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones. Drones are vehicles that do not need a person within it to operate and can be controlled in a remote location or by programming. By the 1930s, new drones emerged as a combat training tool. For example, the Queen Bee, the first returnable and reusable drone, was designed for use as an aerial target during training missions. Gunners in the Royal Navy practiced shooting them down at first sight. During the 1960s, drones took on a new role as stealth surveillance
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Should Coca Cola Have Done Free Essays
What should have occurred? What should occur in future situations? It would be a logical inference to suggest that Coca-Cola’s decision to change its formula and market â€Å"New Coke†to the American population was nothing short of a complete failure. â€Å"On 23 April 1985 New Coke was introduced and a few days later the production of original Coke was stopped. This joint decision has since been referred to as ‘the biggest marketing blunder of all time’†(Bhasin, 2010). We will write a custom essay sample on What Should Coca Cola Have Done? or any similar topic only for you Order Now But to completely dismiss the fact that Coca-Cola was losing market share to Pepsi-Cola, as well as other products that they themselves were producing (Diet Coke), would not fairly give justice to the decisions behind Coca-Cola’s marketing blunder. Coca-Cola was in a dilemma. They were going through an identity crisis, and that crisis seemed to lead them to make their one major costly decision. That crisis was quite simple. Coca-Cola had forgotten who they were and grasping for market share, instead of focusing on branding lead them in an ominous direction. In order to avoid an identity crisis, Coca-Cola should have understood that â€Å"a brand is far more than just a logo. Instead, it’s comprised of a complete set of attributes and tools, or â€Å"identity elements,†that give the brand a unique identity†(Forward). The simple fact is that all the time, money, and skill poured into consumer research on the new Coca-Cola could not measure or reveal the deep and abiding emotional attachment to the original Coca-Cola, felt by so many people. The passion for original Coca-Cola was something that caught executives at Coca-Cola by surprise. It was a mystery, an American enigma, and one cannot measure it any more than one can measure love, pride, or patriotism (Bhasin, 2010). Of all of the consumer research and data analyzing Coca-Cola and its executives claim to have performed, it’s a mystery that they forgot one simple rule; ask your customers first! â€Å"Sam Craig, professor of marketing and international business at the Stern School of Business at New York University, pointed to what he and other industry observers have long considered a fatal mistake on Coca-Cola’s part. â€Å"They didn’t ask the critical question of Coke users: Do you want a new Coke? By failing to ask that critical question, they had to backpedal very quickly†(Ross, 2005). Coca-cola should have concentrated on the brands perception. â€Å"Marketing is a battle of perceptions, not products†(Bhasin, 2010). If Coca-Cola had concentrated on brand perception and less on trying to clone or compete with another company’s product, they would have never made the fatal mistake. What Coca-cola learned was to not be afraid to make a mistake. Yet, most importantly they learned to admit those mistakes and not be afraid to â€Å"make a u-turn†. Through the brand failure of New Coke loyalty to ‘the real thing’ intensified. Coca-Cola assimilated that â€Å"by going back on its decision to scrap original Coke, the company ended up creating an even stronger bond between the product and the consumer†(Bhasin, 2010). Consumers began realizing that coke was more than a drink. It was an experience – an enigma. The question then arises: Coca-Cola has recently decided, along with Pepsi-Cola, to change its recipe in order to avoid putting a cancer warning on their cans. Will Coca-Cola have learned anything from â€Å"the biggest marketing blunder of all time†? Bhasin, H. (2010, January 1). Coca Cola Brand Failure. Retrieved April 2012, 26, from Marketing91: http://www. marketing91. com/coca-cola-brand-failure/ Forward, J. (n. d. ). How to Build Your Brand and Avoid an Identity Crisis. Retrieved April 26, 2012, from Beneath The Brand: http://www. talentzoo. com/beneath-the-brand/blog_news. php? articleID=8478 Ross, M. E. (2005, April 22). It seemed like a good idea at the time . Retrieved April 26, 2012, from MSNBC: http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/7209828/ns/us_news/t/it-seemed-good-idea-time/#. T5mkCuweSSA How to cite What Should Coca Cola Have Done?, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Australian Investment and Security Commission - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Australian Investment and Security Commission. Answer: Issues faced by crown resorts The directors of a corporate organization have the duty to act in the best interest of the company. Section 180(1) of the Corporation Act 2001 (Cth) instructs the directors and officers of a company to deploy care and diligence in relation to their operation. Such care and diligence is evaluated by appointing a hypothetical person as a director in the same situation and analyze the reasonability in relation to the decision[1]. The decision has to be in the best interest of the company. In the case of ASIC v Cassimatis[2] it had been stated that any reasonable director will not breach the law of the land in any condition. Even the shareholders do not have the power to ratify such acts. In the given situation the directors of crown sports have violated legal provisions by sending agents to china in order to recruit high roller gamblers where gambling is illegal in china. In relation to such action employees of the organization have been arrested by the Chinese government which also inc ludes Australians. In addition there has been a 14% decline in the shares of the organization which has subjected the company and its shareholders to major losses. The company has also suffered reputational loss because of its actions. In the given situation the corporate legal issues which are faced by the directors of crown resorts are in relation to the directors duties violated by them. The directors as discussed above have breached section 180(1) of the CA by not acting with diligence and care in relation to the affairs of the company. Role of AISC The Australian Investment and Security Commission is a corporate watch dog in Australia. It has the duty to keep an eye on the affairs of corporate organizations. The AISC regulates integrated corporate, financial services, markets and consumer credit regulators in Australia. The vision of the commission is to allow the markets to fund economy and trigger economic growth. The AISC has the purpose of ensuring the financial wellbeing in Australia. The AISC promotes the confidence and trust of consumers and investors, ensures efficient and markets and providing proper registration services. The AISC brings actions against organizations who fail to act in an ethical and legal manner and thereby causing loss to the investors and creditors. It seeks orders like financial penalties along with suspension of directors in case any violation has been identified[3]. In the given situation where the employees of Crown gave been arrested in china for illegal activities it is the role of AISC to in vestigate into the matter. This is because such a decision by the directors may cause significant losses to the investors and creditors of the company. In addition where any company registered with the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) have been accused of violating law it is the duty of the AISC to make investigation into the matter. In case the AISC finds out that the directors of Crown have violated their corporate duties it will seek legal actions against them in Australia. Possible Remedies Upon investigation if it is found by the AISC that the directors of Crown have actually indulged in illegal activities there are several remedies which are available in relation to the CA. violating the duties of directors provided in the CA is a civil penalty provisions. In addition the directors can also be prosecuted under criminal liability under the criminal code as per section 6.1 if they are found to violate the provisions of section 184 of the CA which is to recklessly breach the duties provided in section 180-183 of the CA. The civil penalty provisions are provided under section 1317E of the CA[4]. The directors may be subjected to a financial penalty of upto A$200, 000 in case of serious breach. In addition the directors of Crown may be suspended from managing a corporation for a period up to 5 years under the provisions of section 206C of the CA[5]. The directors may also seek an alibi under section 1317G where the court may pardon the breach committed by them in relation to their duties. However the AISC needs to prove that the directors have committed a serious breach. In the case of Australian Securities Investments Commission [ASIC] v Lindberg[6] the ASIC was able to obtain a suspension of 2 year along with a financial penalty of $100,000 where the directors had violated section 180(1) of the CA. Although the director has an outside settlement in relation to penalties the AISC had to prove its case in the court. The Commonwealth bank has been subjected to a big drop in its share price after AUSTRAC has launched a case in relation to money laundering against the organization. This may also subject the organization to a potential class action by its shareholders. AUSTRAC has brought an allegation against the organization that they have been associated with consistent money laundering operations by terrorist and criminal gangs. The CBA has been accused of wide breaches in relation to Counter-terrorism financing and money laundering rules. Civil penalty proceedings have been initiated by AUSTRAC against the company in the federal court for serious and systemic non-compliance[7]. The conduct of the CBA has subjected the Australian community to serious and ongoing financial crime as provided by the court in filing. On the other hand it had been provided by the bank that they would never indulge in an activity or action which would enable any kind of crime. The issue which has been brought before the court by AUSTRAC is that there has been a failure on the part of the bank to report suspicious matters in relation to transaction of over A$77 million. It has been alleged by the agency that 53,700 contraventions of counter-terrorism laws and Anti- money laundering laws have been made by the bank in particular to its intelligent deposit machines. The maximum penalties which can be imposed in relation to the anti-money laundering and counter terrorism is A$18 million for every violation[8]. It has been stated by AUSTRAC that even in situation where it was obvious that the machines were used for suspected money laundering the bank did not take necessary steps to mitigate and manage the risks. It has been alleged by AUSTRAC that the machines had been utilized by four money laundering syndicates which included those associated with drug import and distribution network. The machines had been used by the syndicates for the purpose of depositing and transferring cash at low amounts which would keep suspicion at bay. One of the money laundering activities involved more than 21m deposited into 11 CBAs which mostly came through intelligent machines. The bank allegedly failed to take any action even after been provided with warnings by the Australian Federal police. The Australian Investment and Security Commission is a corporate watch dog in Australia. It has the duty to keep an eye on the affairs of corporate organizations. The AISC regulates integrated corporate, financial ser vices, markets and consumer credit regulators in Australia. The vision of the commission is to allow the markets to fund economy and trigger economic growth. The AISC has the purpose of ensuring the financial wellbeing in Australia. The AISC promotes the confidence and trust of consumers and investors, ensures efficient and markets and providing proper registration services. The AISC brings actions against organizations who fail to act in an ethical and legal manner and thereby causing loss to the investors and creditors. It seeks orders like financial penalties along with suspension of directors in case any violation has been identified. It has been provide that the directors of CBA have not been able to take proper care in relation to the affairs of the company[9]. As discussed above the directors of a corporate organization have the duty to act in the best interest of the company. Section 180(1) of the Corporation Act 2001 (Cth) instructs the directors and officers of a company to deploy care and diligence in relation to their operation. Such care and diligence is evaluated by appointing a hypothetical person as a director in the same situation and analyze the reasonability in relation to the decision. The decision has to be in the best interest of the company. In this case as the company has indulge in violation of legal provisions its directors have also violated the provisions of section 180(1) of the CA. this is because a reasonable director would not indulge in actions which are in violation of anti-money laundering and Counter-terrorism laws. In the given situation is the role of the AISC to investigate the issue. Along with the organization itself the directors would also be subjected to prosecution because of the breach of directors du ties committed by them. Under the civil penalty provisions they may be made personally liable for the paying financial penalties along with being suspended for managing the affairs of the company under section 1317E and 206C of the CA. References ASIC v Cassimatis (No 8) [2016] FCA 1023 Australian Securities Investments Commission [ASIC] v Lindberg [2012] VSC 332 CBA faces 'very large' shareholder action on money laundering. (2018). ABC News. Retrieved 3 January 2018, from CBA will take months to answer money laundering allegations. (2018). ABC News. Retrieved 3 January 2018, from Corporation Act 2001 (Cth) Knaus, C. (2018). Commonwealth Bank accused of money laundering and terrorism-financing breaches. the Guardian. Retrieved 3 January 2018, from Our role | ASIC - Australian Securities and Investments Commission. (2018). Retrieved 3 January 2018, from [1] Corporation Act 2001 (Cth) at section 180(1) [2] (No 8) [2016] FCA 1023 [3] Our role | ASIC - Australian Securities and Investments Commission. (2018). Retrieved 3 January 2018, from [4] Corporation Act 2001 (Cth) at section 1317E [5] Corporation Act 2001 (Cth) at section 206C [6] [2012] VSC 332 [7] CBA will take months to answer money laundering allegations. (2018). ABC News. Retrieved 3 January 2018, from [8] Knaus, C. (2018). Commonwealth Bank accused of money laundering and terrorism-financing breaches. the Guardian. Retrieved 3 January 2018, from [9] CBA faces 'very large' shareholder action on money laundering. (2018). ABC News. Retrieved 3 January 2018, from
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